Matsch-Mazia proglacial area - Italy
Proglacial area of the Matsch/Mazia glacier -
Datauppsättning för forskningsartikel: Autumn destabilization of deep porewat...
This dataset has been collected to investigate dynamics in peat porewater CO2 concentration at Degerö Stormyr, Sweden. It contains hourly measurements of porewater CO2... -
ClimeMarine – Klimatprojektioner för havsplanering
This series is composed of five select physical marine parameters (water salinity and water temperature for surface and near bottom waters and sea ice) for two climate scenarios... -
Temperatur, nederbörd, kväve- och fiberinnehåll hos björk och mjölkört, och k...
Data and R code used in piecewise structural equation modelling for a study that compared the direct and indirect impacts of temperature and precipitation on moose calf mass in... -
Dataset för dagvattenbiofilter kolonnstudier: påverkan av temperatur, salt oc...
This data set presents the full raw data from bioretention column studies conducted at Luleå University of Technology in 2010-2014. The pilot scale columns were watered with... -
OZCAR-RI H+ LSBB (Low Noise Underground Laboratory) - France
In the heart of the karstic massif of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, LSBB enables research to be undertaken at scales that are usually unobtainable, ranging from flowing fractures (61... -
Landeggkees - Austria
The Landeggkess (Landeckkees) is the middle glacier of several disconected small parts of a former bigger cirque glacier. The glacier is situated at the headwall of Ödtal, a... -
Kleineiserkees - Austria
The Kleineiserkees has disintegrated into two small cirque glaciers in the 2010s. They are located in the western Glocknergruppe in the upper Stubach Valley. -
Totenkopfkees - Austria
The Totenkopfkees is a cirque glacier located in the eastern Glocknergruppe in the upper most Stubach Valley in the vicinity of the Ödenwinkelkees. -
Ödenwinkelkees - Austria
The Ödenwinkelkees is a special glacier typ: a valley, cirque and debris covered glacier on the main northern crest of the hohe Tauern in the upper most stubach valley. -
Unteres Riffelkees - Austria
Reconstituted glacier by ice avalanches from Oberes Riffelkees(Totenlöcher). The Untere Riffelkees is a heavyly debris covered glacier tongue(Bergsturz around 1906). The... -
Hydrological infrastructure (artifical canals, ponds, rivers, catchments), water use by municipalities