Relation between Corythucha ciliata, tree DBH and leaf area
The data was used to see the relationship between the number and density of Corythucha ciliata and leaf area and tree DBH. Sampling took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Seventeen... -
EVAn kansallinen asennetutkimus 1996
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomalaisten asenteita ja arvoja. Vastaajilta kysyttiin erilaisten väittämien perusteella heidän suhtautumistaan Suomen maaseudun ja kaupunkien... -
Suomalaisten maaseutukuva 2000
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten mielikuvia maaseudusta, maaseutuväestöstä sekä maaseudun ja kaupunkien välisistä eroista. Vastaajia pyydettiin ottamaan kantaa erilaisiin... -
Gatherings of Finnish Male Pensioners on a Market Square 2011
Aineisto sisältää erään suomalaisen kaupungin toriaukiolla aikaansa viettävien eläkeläismiesten litteroituja haastatteluja sekä tutkijan havaintoja sisältävän kenttäpäiväkirjan.... -
Housing Preferences of Urban Fringe Movers in the Urban Region of Turku 2013
Kehyskuntiin muuttaneiden asumisvalinnat Turun seudulla 2013 -aineisto kartoittaa muuttoliikettä Turun, Kaarinan ja Raision ydinalueilta kaupunkien kehyskuntiin, Lietoon,... -
My Public Living Room Interviews 2014
Aineisto koostuu kolmesta englanninkielisestä haastattelusta, jotka on kerätty Torontossa My Public Living Room -nimisen julkisen tilan taideprojektin yhteydessä. Projekti... -
Welfare and Life Management in Rural and Urban Municipalities 2001
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, missä määrin Suomen sisäiset alueelliset kehityserot vaikuttavat ihmisten aineelliseen toimeentuloon ja muuhun hyvinvointiin. Tutkimus on jatkoa... -
Inspraak bij de ontwikkeling van het streekplan Veluwe 1974
Knowledge of plan for the region / participation of information and discussion evenings / opinions about participation procedures and possibilities used in this particular case... -
Bestemming huis van bewaring Amsterdam 1979
Results of participation in finding new destination for former prison in centre of Amsterdam / opinion on building variants, on destination, on starting points proposed by... -
Het effect van de woonomgeving op de mobiliteit en vervoerkeuze 2000
Survey on the effects of spatial structure around r. to r.'s choices regarding means of transport. Respondents are obtained from the "Time Budget Survey 1990" sample... -
Quality of residential environment in the selected Slovenian cities, 2014
The main purpose of this research was to estimate the quality of the residential environment in the selected Slovenian cities in the early twenty-first century with regards to... -
Folkhälsa i Skåne 2012 - Enkät 1: Yngre (18-64 år)
Region Skåne regularly carries out public health surveys to examine the health and living conditions of living and living conditions. Previous surveys have been carried out in... -
Folkhälsa i Skåne 2012 - Enkät 2: Äldre (65-80 år)
Region Skåne regularly carries out public health surveys to examine the health and living conditions of living and living conditions. Previous surveys have been carried out in... -
Den västsvenska SOM-undersökningen 1993
This is the second study in the series of SOM-surveys carried out in Western Sweden exclusively. The questionnaire was divided into six subject fields: mass media; politics and... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a... -
Spatial Morphology Lab 01. International laboratory for comparative research ...
GIS-datasets for the Street networks of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Eskilstuna produced as part of the Spatial Morphology Lab (SMoL). The goal of the SMoL project is to develop a...