3 datasets found

Keywords: upper secondary school

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  • Kolipsi-1 Corpus v1.1

    The Kolipsi-1 L2 is a written learner corpus of German and Italian L2 speakers originating from South Tyrol (Italy). It has been developed as a by-product of the KOLIPSI project...
  • Kolipsi-1 Corpus v1.0

    The Kolipsi-1 L2 is a written learner corpus of German and Italian L2 speakers originating from South Tyrol (Italy). It has been developed as a by-product of the KOLIPSI project...
  • Background data for: Sense-making through hybrid talk: High-achieving seconda...

    The data consists of transcribed recordings of classroom dialogues in two grade 11 classrooms during two 4 hour science lessons. All data is in Norwegian. The data was collected...
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