Pressure effect on structural phase transition in the Kagome antiferromagnet ...
RBaCo4O7 (R = rare earth ion or Y) compositions belong to class of strongly frustrated antiferromagnets. Their crystal structure is build up of alternating Kagome and triangular... -
Investigation of SANS in the region of superfluid transition
We propose SANS measurements of 4He in a region of supefluid transition (2.2 K). The main aim of the experiment is to see whether at small-angle scattering there is an... -
Phase behaviour of nano-sized ion-inserted compounds
Insertion reactions are of key importance for Li-ion and Hydrogen storage materials and energy storage devices. Nano-sizing the electrode materials has emerged as a promising... -
Structural study of BiNiO3 at high pressures and low temperatures
BiNiO3, synthesized at high pressure, has the unusual charge distribution Bi3+0.5Bi5+0.5Ni2+O3 with ordering of Bi3+ and Bi5+ charges on the A sites of a highly distorted... -
Investigating the presence of an order-disorder transition in La6Y4Ge6O27
Apatite-type phases have been attracting interest as a new class of oxide ion conductors, and in these systems, the key defects are oxide ion interstitials. We have recently... -
Magnetic phase transition and critical behaviour in copper(II) octacyanotungs...
In the present project we will focus on critical behaviour of Cu3(pyrazine)[W(CN)8]2 revealing magnetic phase transition at Tc=43 K. The findings will be compared to those... -
Analysis of magnetic properties via the F-mu-F state in inorganic flourides
Here we propose to investigate the fluroide containing compounds - AgF2, CuF2 and Cs2CuF4. By taking advantage of the F-mu-F coupling wich occurs in these compounds, we will... -
Diffraction Resistance Measurements of a Chalcopyrite
During the course of a PhD project funded by CCLRC's CMPC, we have developed a cell that allows electrical transport property measurements to be made simultaneously with the... -
Ultra-rapid microwave materials synthesis: in-situ and ex-situ studies of ter...
The proposal consists of two parts. Firstly, we will undertake an ambient temperature ex-situ PND study of some new ternary transition metal carbide phases that have been... -
A total scattering study of the phase transitions in the hybrid organic-inorg...
Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are interesting candidates for a range of applications, from solar cells to light emitting diodes and lasers. For the latter applications... -
Thermoelastic properties of ammonium sulfate, (ND4)2SO4, and the P-T dependen...
Ammonium sulfate exhibits a first-order phase transition upon cooling through ~ 224 K at room pressure, from a paraelectric to a ferroelectric crysta. There are outstanding... -
Mesophase transition induced by nanoparticles
In a previous SAXS experiment at Max-Lab (Sweden) we observed that the thermotropic mesophase transitional behaviour of the monoolein(MO):cholesterol:water system was... -
Strain analysis of commensurate charge order/zener polaron ordering transitio...
High resolution powder diffraction data will be used to obtain lattice parameter and atomic coordinate variations as a function of temperature for Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3, which has a... -
MuSR studies of the magnetic properties of hyperexpanded fullerides close to ...
We have been recently successful in isolating the fcc polymorph of the key hyperexpanded fulleride Cs3C60 - this phase can be driven to a bulk suprconducting state without... -
Tunable algebraic correlations and Kasteleyn transition in kagome ice
We propose to continue our search for the Kasteleyn transition in the kagome ice phase of the spin ice Ho2Ti2O7. The experiment requires the applied magnetic field to be... -
Search for magnetic ordering in the high pressure metallic state of LuNiO3 & ...
It has very recently been shown that Mott-insulators located at the crossover regime closer to the itinerant side, such as RNiO3, undergo a pressure-induced transition into a... -
Self-Organisation of Phospholipids on Au Electrodes
This experiment is part of a programme to study the effect of applied electric fields on the structure of biomimetic films formed at Au electrodes, with emphasis on... -
MuSR studies of the electronic properties of hyperexpanded fullerides close t...
The fcc polymorph of the hyperexpanded fulleride Cs3C60 can be driven to a bulk suprconducting state without symmetry change by the application of pressure. Its Tc passes... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Raman spectroscopy on 2,2-Paracyclophane
[2,2]-Paracyclophane, C16H16, is a small molecule containing both sp2 and sp3 hybridized carbon atoms. Despite of its apparent simplicity, its solid state structure and... -
Temperature-dependent structural behaviour of the collapse transition of high...
We shall use small angle neutron scattering to investigate the structural behaviour of the temperature sensitive highly branched poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) [PNIPAM]. These...