RoadSurf Road-weather Model Data RCP8.5 (1986-2100)
Projections of road weather from the road weather model RoadSurf, driven by HCLIM38-ALADIN regional climate data and global climate models EC-Earth and GFDL followig the RCP 8.5... -
RoadSurf Road-weather Model Data RCP8.5 (1986-2100)
Projections of road weather from the road weather model RoadSurf, driven by HCLIM38-ALADIN regional climate data and global climate models EC-Earth and GFDL followig the RCP 8.5... -
RoadSurf Road-weather Model Data RCP8.5 (1986-2100)
Projections of road weather from the road weather model RoadSurf, driven by HCLIM38-ALADIN regional climate data and global climate models EC-Earth and GFDL followig the RCP 8.5... -
Terveyden edistämisen barometri 2009: kansalaiset
Terveyden edistämisen barometrin kansalaisille suunnatun kyselyn tarkoituksena oli selvittää suomalaisten näkemyksiä terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin yhteydessä olevista ilmiöistä... -
Spoznavni zemljevid Slovenije
V raziskavi je sodelovalo 1291 prebivalcev Slovenije (standardni reprezentativni vzorec okrepljen po pokrajinah). Vprašalnik je vseboval 54 enostavnih in sestavljenih vprašanj,... -
Varsinaissuomalaisten ympäristöasenteet ja -käyttäytyminen 1999
Tutkimus on osa Varsinais-Suomen alueellista Agenda 21 -hanketta. Kyselyssä selvitettiin varsinaissuomalaisten ympäristökäyttäytymistä sekä ympäristöystävällisen toiminnan... -
Parkplatzsituation 1978
Thema: Meinungen zum Thema Auto und öffentliche Verkehrsmittel im Raum Wien Probability Interview -
Verschillen tussen groepen automobilisten met betrekking tot milieu-relevant ...
Characteristics of r's car/ ownership: private, employer or lease / who pays costs / making use of other vehicles: bicycle, public transport/ purposes of car use, frequency,... -
Inwonersenquete Gemeente Helmond 1995 - VSO
Omnibus survey inhabitants Gemeente Helmond / housing / satisfaction / previous housing situation / intentions to move / safety, criminality / image of Helmond / shopping /... -
Snelheid van het autoverkeer 1995
The acceptance of policies to reduce negative externalties of transport by lowering the speed of car drivers. Respondent has disposal of means of transport / drivers license /... -
Stadspeiling gemeente Amersfoort 1997 - VSO
Survey among inhabitants of the city of Amersfoort, concerning several aspects of living in the municipality of Amersfoort Opening hours and service by municipal offices /... -
Inwonersonderzoek gemeente Culemborg 1997 - VSO
Survey among inhabitants of Culemborg. Opinion of r. about quality of public service, public information, and several aspects of municipal policy concerning district management,... -
Omnibus-enquete Gemeente Almelo 1997 - VSO
Survey among the inhabitants of the municipality of Almelo Housing / bicycle - and footpaths / working population / / whether respondents are satisfied by the municipal... -
Omnibusonderzoek 2001 Gemeente Amstelveen - VSO
Survey among the inhabitants of Amstelveen Quality of r.'s neighbourhood / fire safety / markets in Amstelveen / traffic and transport / volunteer work / sports / child care /... -
Stadspanel Delft 1988 - VSO
To gather information on attitudes of the population of Delft, useful for local authorities with regard to the development, presentation and evaluation of policy. Detailed... -
Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek 2006 nieuwe stijl - TBO 2006 nieuwe stijl
In opdracht van het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) heeft Socialdata in 2006 het Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek (TBO) in nieuwe stijl uitgevoerd. Hierbij is het TBO voor het... -
Het effect van de woonomgeving op de mobiliteit en vervoerkeuze 2000
Survey on the effects of spatial structure around r. to r.'s choices regarding means of transport. Respondents are obtained from the "Time Budget Survey 1990" sample... -
Stadspanelonderzoek Dordrecht 1996 - VSO
Panel survey city of Dordrecht March 1996. Town guards: tasks and goals / public safety / traffic safety / preferred sport activities by inhabitants of fifty years and older.... -
Parkplatzsituation 1978
Thema: Meinungen zum Thema Auto und öffentliche Verkehrsmittel im Raum Wien Probability Interview -
SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2019
In the autumn of 2019, the fourth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 5000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes...