Retrieved air temperature (temp_bl, boundary layer scans from HATPRO only) fr...
This data set contains daily files of temperature (temp), specific humidity (q) and relative humidity (rh) profiles derived from combined measurements of the HATPRO and MiRAC-P... -
Retrieved air temperature (temp) from microwave radiometer measurements durin...
This data set contains daily files of temperature (temp), specific humidity (q) and relative humidity (rh) profiles derived from combined measurements of the HATPRO and MiRAC-P... -
Relative humidity (rh) computed from radiosonde air pressure, retrieved tempe...
This data set contains daily files of temperature (temp), specific humidity (q) and relative humidity (rh) profiles derived from combined measurements of the HATPRO and MiRAC-P... -
Retrieved specific humidity (q) from microwave radiometer measurements during...
This data set contains daily files of temperature (temp), specific humidity (q) and relative humidity (rh) profiles derived from combined measurements of the HATPRO and MiRAC-P... -
Improved temperature and humidity profiles derived from the combination of th...
This data set contains daily files of temperature (temp), specific humidity (q) and relative humidity (rh) profiles derived from combined measurements of the HATPRO and MiRAC-P... -
Temperature and humidity profiles, integrated water vapour and liquid water p...
The data set contains daily files of path integrated amount of water vapour (precipitable water, prw) and cloud liquid (clwvi), as well as temperature (ta) and humidity (hua)... -
Bericht zum Bohrlochtemperatur-Logging und zu Messungen thermisch-hydraulisch...
This report summarizes the measurements carried out by the GFZ Potsdam on the boreholes Gt S 6/17 and Gt S 7/20 in Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). The first part of... -
HATPRO microwave radiometer measurements at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (2019-2021)
The microwave radiometer HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels that are sensitive to the path integrated amount of cloud liquid water (clwvi) and the path... -
HATPRO microwave radiometer measurements at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (2016-2018)
The microwave radiometer HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels that are sensitive to the path integrated amount of cloud liquid water (clwvi) and the path... -
Sea ice temperature profiles measured during RV POLARSTERN cruise PS131
Ice core samples were obtained with a 9 cm Kovacs corer during the Polarstern cruise PS131 on ice stations between mid-July and 6th of August 2022 in the marginal ice zone in... -
Temperature profile of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (2021)
The microwave radiometer at AWIPEV has seven V band (51.8-58.8 GHz) channels that are sensitive to atmospheric temperature (ta). These files contain ta as a function of... -
Temperature profile of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (2020)
The microwave radiometer at AWIPEV has seven V band (51.8-58.8 GHz) channels that are sensitive to atmospheric temperature (ta). These files contain ta as a function of... -
Temperature profile of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (2019)
The microwave radiometer at AWIPEV has seven V band (51.8-58.8 GHz) channels that are sensitive to atmospheric temperature (ta). These files contain ta as a function of... -
Temperature profile of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (2018)
The microwave radiometer at AWIPEV has seven V band (51.8-58.8 GHz) channels that are sensitive to atmospheric temperature (ta). These files contain ta as a function of... -
Temperature profile of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (2017)
The microwave radiometer at AWIPEV has seven V band (51.8-58.8 GHz) channels that are sensitive to atmospheric temperature (ta). These files contain ta as a function of... -
Temperature profile of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (2016)
The microwave radiometer at AWIPEV has seven V band (51.8-58.8 GHz) channels that are sensitive to atmospheric temperature (ta). These files contain ta as a function of... -
Vertical Wave Profiler Data (0-150m) Jun-Oct 2022 in front of Cape St. Vincen...
Until today the availability of in-situ oceanographic data is sparse due to high costs of vessels and instruments. Yet, in-situ observations play a major role in model...