Lapsesta aikuiseksi: 50-vuotiaiden persoonallisuustestit 2009
Aineisto on osa Lapsesta aikuiseksi -tutkimusta, joka on jatkunut samojen henkilöiden seurantana yli 40 vuotta. Tässä tutkimusvaiheessa kerättiin tietoa elämäntilannekyselyllä,... -
Dimensionality and Validation of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS) in ...
The data included in the publication package pertain to the validation of an existing English questionnaire into Dutch. The validation was conducted both in a sample of the... -
Pupil responses to dynamic negative facial expressions of emotion in infants ...
This package contains all the materials necessary to replicate the study/reproduce the results/reuse the data for: Aktar, E., Nimphy, C. A., Kret, M. E., Pérez‐Edgar, K.,...