Polymer adsorption from fluorinated media in polymer stabilised drug suspensions
The formation of stable particle dispersions are essential to the success of a wide range of commercial products from inks, paints and foodstuffs to cosmetic and pharmaceutical... -
Arrested states of clay-water suspensions
The unprecedented simultaneous accessibility of the low and high Q region available on NIMROD allows to tackle the issue of ageing of colloidal systems from the point of view of... -
Polymer layer structure in stabilised metal nanoparticles for heterogenous ca...
The controlled synthesis of precious metal nanoparticles of the appriopriate chemical composition, optimised size and morphology for use in catalysis is an ongoing experimental... -
pH-Sensitive Dendrimers
Dendrimers are nanosized macromolecules with hyperbranched structures that are capable of loading all kinds of active agents for biodelivery. They are monodisperse in terms of...