(Supplementary Table 1) Carbonate accumulation rate dataset of the equatorial...
shipboard = DSDP/ODP/IODP Initial Reports or ProceedingsLyle et al. 2005, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.199.219.2005Leon-Rodriguez 2010, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.10.029 -
(Table AT1) Grain size distribution and stable isotope record of benthic fora...
The Walvis Paradox states that opal accumulation fluctuates in counterphase to general productivity on Walvis Ridge, off northern Namibia. Sediments of early Quaternary age from... -
(Table 1) Stratigraphic correlation of ODP Holes 113-690B and 117-1051A
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(S3, Fig. 5 and 6) Biometric measurements of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis on O...
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Calcium carbonate content in sediment core MD99-2198 (0-125 ka)
The carbonate content was calculated as CaCO3=8.33x(TC-TOC) using LECO analyzer. Samples were taken at 20 cm throughout the upper ~10.4 m of the core and at 5 cm between 10.4-22... -
Stable isotope ratio of G. sacculifer in sediment core MD99-2198 (0-125 ka)
Stable isotope ratios in planktic foraminifera were measured every 20 cm for the upper 0-18.5 m and every 10 cm between 18.5-22 cm (revised depth). Note that the original core... -
X-ray fluorescence (Ti/Ca and Zr/Rb ratios) in sediment core MD99-2198 (0-125...
X-ray fluorescence data (Ti/Ca and Zr/Rb ratios) were obtained using the Aavatech XRF Core Scanner at University Kiel in two runs (10 kv, 750 mA, 10 seconds and 30 kv, 2000 mA,... -
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of Globigerinoides sacculifer of ODP ...
Comparison between planktic foraminiferal oxygen isotope records from the Caribbean Sea (Ocean Drilling Program [ODP] Site 999) and the equatorial east Pacific (ODP Site 851)... -
Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, and Ca...
The Late Cenozoic closure of the seaway between the North andSouth American continents is thought to have caused extensive changes in ocean circulation and Northern Hemisphere... -
Datings and age model of sediment core SO78_175-1
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Datings and age model of sediment core SO78_173-4
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Datings and age model of sediment core SO78_173-3
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Datings and age model of sediment core SO78_159-3
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Datings and age model of sediment core SO78_159-1
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Organic carbon and carbonate analysis from ODP Hole 128-798B
Depth (mbsf) after Dunbar et al. (1992), Depth revised (mbsf) after DeMenocal et al. (1992) -
(Table T3) Spectral reflectance data, ODP Hole 178-1095B
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(Table T10) Spectral reflectance data, ODP Hole 178-1098B
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(Table T12) Spectral reflectance data, ODP Hole 178-1099A
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(Table T13) Spectral reflectance data, ODP Hole 178-1099B
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(Table T14) Spectral reflectance data, ODP Hole 178-1101A
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