Esikouluikäisten kokemuksia leikkimisestä 2012
Aineisto koostuu seitsemän esikouluikäisen lapsen litteroidusta haastattelusta sekä heidän piirustuksista. Haastatteluissa esikoululaisilta kysyttiin kysymyksiä liittyen... -
Media and Preschool Children in Slovenia, 2016
The purpose of the survey was to gather data on media exposure of preschool children and selected elements of educating preschool children about media, either in home... -
Parents between work and family
Purpose of the study was to contribute to understanding of the relation between parenthood and paid work in Slovenia. Its goals were: to gain the newest data concerning use of... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 2016/1
Slovenian Public Opinion 2016/1 is a package of surveys, which belongs to the Slovenian Public Opinion survey series. The questionnaire includes 4 topical sections which cover...