Polymer-surfactant films containing glucose sensors
This proposal continues our research on mesostructured surfactant templated polymer films that form spontaneously at the air-water interface. Our recent research has shown it is... -
Copy of: ATmospheric Oxidation of MIxed films studied by Neutron Reflectometr...
Quantifying amount, composition and fate of surface-active organic aerosols originating from cooking processes is a key atmospheric research activity. Our project aims to... -
Polymer-surfactant films containing glucose sensors and structure directing p...
This proposal continues our research on mesostructured surfactant templated polymer films. The films are robust and form spontaneously at the air-water interface. Recent... -
diffuse scattering in PMN-PT crystals
Complex mixed-ion pervoskites, ferroelectric material (1-x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3, attract plenty of applications due to high piezoelectric response. The difficulties result... -
Multiscale time resolving study of the crystallisation of polyethylene from s...
This experiment is focused on the use of the unique capability of Nimrod to study the crystallisation of polymers from solution. We wish to obtain high quality time-resolved...