iQ_EB - Qualification for inclusive, general adult education using the exampl...
The project develops a concept for the qualification of pedagogical staff for inclusive education in the context of general public further education with a focus on the target... -
Code/Syntax: Vertrauen in digitale Technik. Der Einfluss mobiler Apps auf die...
Diese Studie geht den Fragen nach, wie mobile Apps im Alltag genutzt werden und inwiefern die Nutzer*innen bereit sind, ihr Verhalten aufgrund der Empfehlungen dieser Apps zu... -
Replication Files: Concurrent, Web-First, or Web-Only? How Different Mode Seq...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many survey programs switched to self-administered modes of data collection, often offering respondents both web-based and paper-based... -
Research on Internet in Slovenia, 2000/2001
This survey is performed annually on all schooling institutions in Slovenia. It is performed by mail and it covers all the aspect of Internet communication technology usage in...