Prerequisites for Artistic Interests, Abilities and Occupation 1986
Development conditions for artistic interests, capabilities and achievement of young people and the decision for an artistic occupation. Topics: Evaluation of education... -
Schoolchildren Interval Study Capabilities 1986-1995, 2nd Wave 1987
Development forms and influence factors of development of mental achievements in childhood and adolescence (particularly at transfer from lower grade, junior high and high... -
Schoolchildren Interval Study Capabilities 1986-1995, 5th Wave 1990
Influence of leisure time and school interests of schoolchildren on development of mental capabilities. Topics: Goals in life; moral orientations; view of future; extent of... -
Participation in Instrumental Learning (TIAMu)
Student survey: gender, age, time spent with parents, parental involvement in the school life of child, number of books in household. JeKI at elementary school, instrumental...