Summer hydrographic conditions at proglacial fjord entrances along East Green...
Here we present results from a synoptic survey of the pan‐east Greenland coastal system from the entrance of fjords at Cape Farewell (59°N) to Kaiser Franz Josef Fjord (73°N).... -
Raw data of summer hydrographic conditions at proglacial fjord entrances alon...
Here we present results from a synoptic survey of the pan‐east Greenland coastal system from the entrance of fjords at Cape Farewell (59°N) to Kaiser Franz Josef Fjord (73°N).... -
Physical, climatological and lake water δ2H and δ18O from lakes located ca. b...
The datasets include information on physical, climatological and lake water δ2H and δ18O from lakes located ca. between 38ºS-46ºS along Chile, South America. All samples were... -
Lakes with two or more sampling years, located between 38ºS-46ºS along Chile
The average standard deviation of H and O isotopes between sampling years for all the lakes in the study is 2.8‰ for δ2H and 0.9 ‰ for δ18O, respectively (additional info in the... -
Lakes with physical, climatological, and isotopic data, located between 38ºS-...
This table contains physical, climatological, and isotope data. All lakes were open lakes. The slope was calculated according to methods/ranges proposed by the United States...