Exploring relationships between students’ interaction and learning with a hap...
This is a narrated video clip demonstrating how PC analysis was performed in the present study. Thr study explored tertiary students’ interaction with a haptic virtual model... -
Dataset: Mekaniska, termiska och strukturella undersökningar av kemiskt härda...
Chemical strengthening is being investigated with the purpose to get a better understanding for the complex mechanisms of the process and in the future create thinner and... -
Bovina norovirus och nebovirus - prevalens och riskfaktorer för infektion i s...
Aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of bovine norovirus and nebovirus infections in dairy calves in Sweden. A secondary aim was to analyse herd and management... -
Effekt av argininfosfattillförsel på tidig överlevnad och tillväxt av tall, g...
The purpose of the research study was to investigate the effects of arginine-phosphate addition on survival and growth of Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch seedlings at... -
Fällfångstdata för mindre vinbärsbrunmal, Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus, ...
Data on number of male currant bud moths captured in traps baited with candidate compounds of the sex pheromone of the species. Experiments were performed in black currant... -
Dataset från en dagvattenreningsanläggning med flera reningssteg vid E4, Sund...
The data were collected from a stormwater treatment train facility in Sundsvall, Sweden. The facility consists of a gross pollutant trap (GPT) followed by three parallel... -
Originaldata fälttester av aggreggationsferomon för långhorningsskalbaggar Ar...
Original data for Molander et al: p-Mentha-1,3-dien-9-ol: A novel aggregation-sex pheromone for monitoring longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) in Eurasia and North America Longhorn... -
Kvalitet på bad-, disk- och tvättvatten (BDT-vatten) från en stadsdel: inkomm...
The dataset presented here consists of raw data on the quality of influent greywater generated from a city district with 800 PE (population equivalent) and the effluent quality... -
Modellerade kväve och svavelnedfall över Europa 1980-2011
The Eulerian Transport and Chemistry model MATCH (Robertson et al. 1999) has been used to estimate the deposition over Europe from 1980 to 2011. In data to the model is... -
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