Planococcus maritimus strain:MKU009 Genome sequencing and assembly
Pigmented heterotrophic bacteria producing carotenoid pigments. The isolate is non-pathogenic and used as aquaculture feed formulation studies (probiotics) and used for large... -
coral mucus microbiome Raw sequence reads
The grazing activity by specific marine organisms represents a growing threat to the survival of many scleractinian species. For example, the recent proliferation of the... -
Phytoplankton community Raw sequence reads
Study on diversity of phytoplankton community -
Bisbaumannia pacifica strain:CARE-V15 Genome sequencing and assembly
Marine Halophilic microorganism -
The 16S rRNA data from Epinephelus coioides intestinal microbiota
Bacterial communities in pathogen infected grouper intestinal microbiota -
Stakeholder Florida Pompano Larviculture Across Different Salinities Prokaryo...
This study was conducted, in collaboration with industrial stakeholders, to determine how the health, fatty acid profiles, microbiome, and transcriptome of Florida pompano... -
marine water Raw sequence reads
diazotroph biodiversity -
Microbial profiling of the intestinal mucosa of fish cobia (Rachycentron cana...
The microbiota is a complex of microorganisms associated with a specific habitat, which influence the performance, welfare, and numerous host functions, such as development,... -
Fungal isolate, Penicillium, derived from the symbiotic anemone, Exaiptasia d...
Penicillium, a fungal associate of the anemone, Exaiptasia diaphana, was isolated for genome sequencing and assessment of secondary metabolite... -
Acanthemblemaria spinosa Genome sequencing and assembly
Acanthemblemaria spinosa Genome sequencing and assembly -
Rearing water treatment influences cod larval gene expression and microbiota
Cod larvae were reared with two different rearing water systems: a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and a flow-through system (FTS). Four replicate tanks were used for... -
Bacterial interactions in Nematostella vectensis
The maintenance and resilience of host-associated microbiota during development is a fundamental process influencing the fitness of many organisms. Several host properties were... -
The Ocean Cleanup Plastics Colonization Experiment
16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicons for a mesocosm study involving floating plastics. -
Analysis of the bacterial microbita of a Haliclona sp. sponge
Investigation of the bacterial microbiota of an undescribed sponge of the genus Haliclona by a 16S rRNA gene Illumina amplicon based study. -
Eyeing DNA barcoding for species identification of fish larvae
Identification of fish larvae based on morphology is typically limited to higher taxonomic ranks (e.g., family or order) because fish larvae possess few morphological diagnostic...