Monitor Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs - WO-Monitor 2001
Survey of the destinations of university graduates/ graduates from teacher training courses of universitites included. Educational career / working experience / further... -
Competenties van werknemers in de informatiemaatschappij, 2002 : Een survey o...
Survey concerning the adaptability of employees to new Information and Communications Technology (ICT) -developments. Characteristics of company and department where respondent... -
BIBB/BAuA-Employment Survey 2012
Berufsverläufe und Fachkenntnisse. Qualifikationsanforderungen. Weiterbildungsbedarf und ausbildungsadäquate Beschäftigung. Verwertbarkeit beruflicher Qualifikationen.... -
Striving to Achieve and Activity in the Achievement of Scientific-Technical ...
Achievement habits, working and living conditions, achievement prerequisites and evaluation in innovation processes. Topics: Importance of occupation characteristics (scale);... -
Qualification and Course of Employment (1979)
Determination of qualification and course of professional career. The investigation is divided into the following sections: 1. Education and training 2. Further education and... -
Acquisition and Application of Occupational Qualifications 1991/92 (Qualifica...
Qualification, description of activity and career course. Topics:1. Current or last employment: average time worked each week; occupational activity; economic area; area of... -
Acquisition and Application of Occupational Qualifications 1998/99 (Qualifica...
Description of work responsibilities, working conditions, job stress and possible changes of the situation at work. Occupation education and further education as well as... -
Reporting System of Further Education (BSW IX) 2003
Art und Umfang der Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen, deren Träger und fachliche Schwerpunkte sowie Lerninteressen. Themen: Höchster Schulabschluss und beruflicher Abschluss; derzeitige... -
BIBB/BAuA-Employment Survey 2006
Berufsverläufe und Fachkenntnisse. Qualifikationsanforderungen. Weiterbildungsbedarf und ausbildungsadäquate Beschäftigung. Verwertbarkeit beruflicher Qualifikationen....