Physico-chemical parameters of seawater in the aquarium holding the F2 indivi...
Specimens (F1) of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were exposed for five days under laboratory conditions to the isolated or combined effects of hypoxia and a marine... -
Physico-chemical parameters of seawater during the exposure of the marine cal...
Specimens of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were exposed for five days under laboratory conditions to the isolated or combined effects of hypoxia and a marine... -
Physico-chemical parameters of seawater used to monitor populations of the No...
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Sex-specific physiological responses of recovering F2 individuals following p...
Specimens (F1) of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were exposed for five days under laboratory conditions to the isolated or combined effects of hypoxia and a marine... -
Survival of recovering F2 adults following parental (F1) exposure to the isol...
Specimens (F1) of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were exposed for five days under laboratory conditions to the isolated or combined effects of hypoxia and a marine... -
Sex-specific physiological responses and traits (metabolic rates, upper therm...
Specimens of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were exposed for five days under laboratory conditions to the isolated or combined effects of hypoxia and a marine... -
Fecundity (number of offspring) of the calanoid marine copepod Acartia tonsa ...
Specimens of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were exposed for five days under laboratory conditions to the isolated or combined effects of hypoxia and a marine... -
Sex-specific survival of the calanoid marine copepod Acartia tonsa under comb...
Specimens of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were exposed for five days under laboratory conditions to the isolated or combined effects of hypoxia and a marine... -
Water column dissolved nitrous oxide concentrations from Lake Grevelingen (Th...
The data set comprises concentrations of dissolved N2O from seawater samples collected during 16 expeditions to Lake Grevelingen (The Netherlands). The expeditions took place... -
Hydrography of Lake Grevelingen during MARIX cruises 2022-2023
The dataset comprises hydrographic observations collected during several cruises to Lake Grevelingen (The Netherlands) between 2022 and 2023 on board the R/V Navicula. The major... -
Surface dissolved methane concentrations during Navicula cruise N2302
The dataset comprises high-resolution (1-min) measurements of dissolved methane in surface waters of Lake Grevelingen (The Netherlands), which were collected during the... -
Surface dissolved carbon monoxide concentrations during Navicula cruise N2302
The dataset comprises high-resolution (1-min) measurements of dissolved carbon monoxide in surface waters of Lake Grevelingen and Oosterschelde (The Netherlands), which were... -
Survival and sex-specific physiological responses of the marine copepod Acart...
This dataset compiles the survival and sex-specific physiological responses of recovering F2 adult copepods following a five-day parental exposure (F1) to the isolated and... -
Survival, life-history, and physiological responses of the marine calanoid co...
This dataset compiles sex-specific survival, fecundity, and physiological data of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa following a five-day exposure period to the isolated... -
RNA-seq of developing Cyprinodon variegatus exposed to oil, hypoxia, or both
The objective of this project was to investigate the impacts of oil exposure in combination with environmental stressors on gene expression in developing C. variegatus. Overall... -
Surface dissolved nitrous oxide concentrations during Navicula cruise N2302 (...
The dataset comprises high-resolution (1-min) measurements of dissolved nitrous oxide in surface waters of Lake Grevelingen (The Netherlands), which were collected during the... -
Respiratory and swimming performance data of Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) und...
The present study investigated the response of an Arctic keystone species, Polar cod, Boreogadus saida, to hypoxia and warming. We measured the respiratory capacity (standard,... -
NetCDF median glider data collected in the Northern Benguela during February ...
Binned median of Slocum G2 glider data from 0 to 1000 m depth. The data were collected in the northern Benguela region between 14 February 2018 and 19 June 2018 at a site... -
Kiel Outdoor Benthoscosm experiment 2018 on ocean warming and upwelling
In an outdoor mesocosm study, we investigated the differential effects of three simulated upwelling events coupled with ocean warming (1 to 5 °C above ambient) on a temperate... -
Survival and the nutritional and organoleptic qualities of the Northern shrim...
The dataset compiles survival data, muscle mineral content as proxy for nutritional quality and the taste, smell, texture, and appearance as proxies for organoleptic quality of...