Phosphorus concentration and air temperature measurements from Lake Constance...
This data provides accompanying data to sediment core diatom counts from Lake Constance. Phosphorus concentrations were sampled / estimated since 1952 in the center of the lake... -
Diatom counts in various depth layers of sediment cores BO10/79 and BO10/81 f...
This data set provides diatom counts combined from the sediment cores BO10/79 and BO10/81 from peri-alpine Lake Constance. Sediment cores were sampled with a gravity Multi-Corer... -
Highly Selective Adsorption of Perfluorinated Greenhouse Gases by Porous Orga...
Anthropogenic greenhouse gases contribute to global warming. Among those gases, perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are thousands to tens of thousands times more harmful to the environment... -
Light dark and daily O2 DIC CaCO3 flux data - for in vitro and in situ summe...
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Net flux O2 DIC CaCO3 flux measurements from summer and winter experiments
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Light and dark O2 DIC CaCO3 flux measurements from summer and winter experiments
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Growth, respiration and mortality rates of live L. pertusa under gradually am...
All parameters assessed at the end of the experiment (dry weight of the corals/dead coral framework fragments, ash-free dry mass (AFDM), total polyp count, bacterial background... -
Growth, respiration and mortality rates of live L. pertusa under gradually am...
Measured parameters (net calcification/dissolution, net dissolution/bioerosion, respiration, mortality, temperature, salinity, total alkalinity (TA), dissolved inorganic carbon... -
Mass loss % and OC% loss of green and rooibos tea - for in vitro and in situ ...
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Stability factor (S) for in vitro and in situ summer and winter experiments
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Decomposition rates (k ) for in vitro and in situ summer and winter experiments
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Net inorganic and organic carbon production from summer and winter experiments
This dataset has no description
High-resolution mapping of ice cover changes in over 33,000 lakes across the ...
Widespread reductions in lake ice have been detected recently worldwide, yet spatially detailed characterization of global lake ice is currently unavailable. Using 0.55 million... -
Iceberg A74: Seafloor circumnavigation images collected during COSMUS expedit...
During the RV POLARSTERN expedition PS124 to the Weddell Sea during Jan - April 2021 the Ocean Floor Observation and Bathymetry System (OFOBS) was used to collect still and... -
Mesocosm experiment 2013 on effects of increased CO2 concentration on nutrien...
Aquatic ecosystems face a multitude of environmental stressors, including warming and acidification. While warming is expected to have a pronounced effect on plankton... -
Mesocosm experiment on effects of increased CO2 concentration on nutrient lim...
Aquatic ecosystems face a multitude of environmental stressors, including warming and acidification. While warming is expected to have a pronounced effect on plankton... -
Organic carbon decomposition in rhodolith bed sediment under future climate c...
Organic carbon decomposition was measured in rhodolith beds using the Teabag Index (TBI; Keuskamp et al., (2013; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109077). The data... -
O2, dissolved inorganic carbon and CaCO3 fluxes and organic and inorganic pro...
The data includes measurements of oxygen (O2), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) fluxes. Fluxes were obtained from in vitro incubations of rhodolith... -
Kehitysyhteistyötutkimus 2008
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten mielipiteitä Suomen kehitysyhteistyöstä, sen tärkeydestä, sisällöstä, päämääristä ja kohdentamisesta. Lisäksi esitettiin kysymyksiä YK:n... -
Kehitysyhteistyötutkimus 2009
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten mielipiteitä ja tiedontasoa Suomen kehitysyhteistyöstä, sen tärkeydestä, sisällöstä, päämääristä ja kohdentamisesta. Lisäksi esitettiin...