Väestöryhmien väliset hyvinvointierot ja hyvinvointiongelmien paikantuminen 1995
Vastaajilta tiedusteltiin aluksi heidän asumistaan koskevia tietoja kuten asumismuotoa, asunnon ominaisuuksia, omistusasunnon hintaa sekä tyytyväisyyttä asumistilanteeseen.... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
ORVESTO 1978-I_2
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
ORVESTO 1978-I_3
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
ORVESTO 1978-I_4
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
ORVESTO 1979-I_2
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
ORVESTO 1979-I_3
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
ORVESTO 1979-I_4
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,... -
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests,...