Sequence of models obtained by backwards selection for urea of calves fed a m...
The effects on growth performance of supplementation of four different AA combinations in a milk replacer (MR, 25.4% CP and 20.3% fat) based on skimmed milk powder and whey... -
Descriptive statistics of plasma AA concentrations (µmol/L) of calves fed a m...
The effects on growth performance of supplementation of four different AA combinations in a milk replacer (MR, 25.4% CP and 20.3% fat) based on skimmed milk powder and whey... -
Sorting index of forage particle size of calves with different feeds before a...
Forty-five Holstein calves (44 ± 5.7 kg of BW and 3 ± 1.5 d of age) fed with a common pellet concentrate fed and one of following forage feeding strategies: barley straw before... -
Feed intake and performance of calves fed a milk replacer supplemented with d...
The effects on growth performance of supplementation of four different AA combinations in a milk replacer (MR, 25.4% CP and 20.3% fat) based on skimmed milk powder and whey... -
Sequence of models obtained by backwards selection for ADG of calves fed a mi...
The effects on growth performance of supplementation of four different AA combinations in a milk replacer (MR, 25.4% CP and 20.3% fat) based on skimmed milk powder and whey... -
Tab. 1: Muskoxen observed in the different geographical units
Muskoxen populations were surveyed in the course of 3 expeditions to North East Greenland to provide data on present status and habitat requirements in the region between 72 and... -
Suivi sur 11 ans des croissances des veaux d'une race bovine allaitante de ra...
Le jeu de données présenté a été produit par la ferme expérimentale INRAE de Saint-Laurent-de-la-Prée dans le cadre de l’expérimentation système Transi’marsh. L’objectif de...