Horse Dealer Interviews 2012
Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin suomalaisia hevoskauppiaita. Haastatteluiden tarkoituksena oli selvittää ihmisen ja eläimen välisen kohtaamisen ja suhteen merkitystä hevoskaupassa... -
Pets as Family Members 2014-2015
Aineistossa vastaajat kertovat omasta arjestaan ja kokemuksistaan lemmikkien kanssa niin lapsuudessa kuin nykyhetkessä. Suurin osa muistoista koskee kissoja ja koiria, mutta... -
Stories of my Dog's Life 2022
Aineisto koostuu kirjoituksista liittyen lemmikkikoirien elämään. Aineisto on kerätty alun perin pro gradu -tutkielmaan. Kirjoituskutsussa vastaajia pyydettiin kirjoittamaan... -
Animals in Roman Times in the Dutch Eastern River Area
This archeozoological study concerns the animal remains that were found during excavations of settlements dating from Roman times in Nijmegen and its surroundings. The aim of... -
Data of "Aquatic worms (Tubificidae) facilitate productivity of macrophyte Az...
In this study we showed the potential of using ecological principles including interspecific facilitation processes of aquatic plants (Azolla filiculoides) and worms... -
Miljö-DNA metastreckkodning av förekomst av fisk och amfibier i skapade biolo...
The conducted study was done to determine the fish and amphibian occurrence patterns in created wetlands for biodiversity. The geographical study units were individual wetlands... -
Data till: Vägrenar fungerar som korridorer och vägar som barriärer för rörel...
This publication makes part of the research project GINFRA – green rights-of-way infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem services. The aim of the project is to quantify... -
Bovina norovirus och nebovirus - prevalens och riskfaktorer för infektion i s...
Aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of bovine norovirus and nebovirus infections in dairy calves in Sweden. A secondary aim was to analyse herd and management... -
Uppskattningar av våtmarksfågel före och efter våtmarksrestaureringar inom jo...
The purpose of this data was to evaluate and quantify wetland restoration efficiency for a scientific paper. The data contains pair counts of wetland bird species in wetlands... -
Temperatur, nederbörd, kväve- och fiberinnehåll hos björk och mjölkört, och k...
Data and R code used in piecewise structural equation modelling for a study that compared the direct and indirect impacts of temperature and precipitation on moose calf mass in... -
Artrikedom av växter, dagfjärilar och humlor i linjära infrastrukturmiljöer, ...
This data set comprises the species richness of vascular plants, butterflies and bumblebees in linear infrastructure habitats (road verges and power lines) and the historical... -
Fällfångstdata för mindre vinbärsbrunmal, Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus, ...
Data on number of male currant bud moths captured in traps baited with candidate compounds of the sex pheromone of the species. Experiments were performed in black currant... -
Data från: Klöver som bottengröda i havre stödjer pollinatörer och dämpar ogr...
We studied the effects of undersowing oats with a mixture of three annual clovers species across different aspects of cropping system multi-functionality using 26 observation... -
Data om hur regionalt klimat påverkar habitatföreningar och termiska summor s...
The data was collected for the publication "Regional climate affects habitat associations and thermal sums required for development of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle, Ips... -
Populationsdynamik i växthusexperiment av bladlöss och deras rovdjur
The data was collected to determine the role of habitat use and non-trophic predator-predator interactions on food-web dynamics. We developed four dynamic food-web models - with... -
Mortalitet av humledrottningar längs vägar med varierande trafik och kontrast...
This study makes part of the research project GINFRA – green rights-of-way infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem services. The aim of the project was to quantify whether... -
Syntetiska bilder av koraller (Desmophyllum pertusum) med objektigenkänningmo...
Two object detection models using Darknet/YOLOv4 were trained on images of the coral Desmophyllum pertusum from the Kosterhavet National Park. In one of the models, the training... -
Factors responsible for Ixodes ricinus presence and abundance across a natura...
To better understand the spatial distribution of the common tick Ixodes ricinus, we investigated how local site factors and landscape characteristics influence tick presence and... -
Inventeringsdata för fåglar, mossor, lavar och kärlväxter från 40 tall- och g...
The aim of the data collection was to examine differences in biodiversity between two different age classes of production forest stands. Surveys were conducted between 2016-2017... -
Data om hur egenskaper hos honungsbiyngel påverkar reproduktionen hos Varroa ...
The data set was collected in Uppsala Sweden between 2019 and 2021. Hives were established using varroa resistant queens from Oslo, Norway (n = 3), Gotland Sweden, (n = 5), and...