Frequency of algae along a transect at the island of Helgoland in 2005
A sublittoral transect (P3) in the North of Helgoland that had been investigated ~40 years earlier by Lüning (1970) was traversed again. Scuba dives were carried out between... -
Occurrence and cover of algae along a transect at the island of Helgoland in ...
A sublittoral transect (P3) in the North of Helgoland that had been investigated ~40 years earlier by Lüning (1970) was traversed again. Scuba dives were carried out between... -
(Fig 1) Trawl stations during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-VIII/2 (EPOS) in June/Jul...
See further details for station informations. -
(Table 1) Dry weight percentages of silt and clay, and total organic carbon c...
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Sediment properties in drained lake basins in northern Alaska, August 2018
These data originate from a field survey in early August 2018 in the Teshekpuk Lake region on the Alaskan North Slope. We sampled surface sediment in drained lake basins.... -
Distribution of macro algae at Helgoland in 2005
This work was funded by the Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research and the Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume Schleswig-Holstein. -
Lupinus nipomensis population data at Black Lake Ecological Area in 2015-2016
Along the coast of California, dune ecosystems protect coastal cities from damaging storms and provide habitat for native wildlife. Despite the economic and ecological... -
Isbädd topografi och istjocklek DEMS från Greenland Analogue Project (GAP)
We present ice thickness and bed topography digital elevation models (DEMs) of a land-terminating section of the Greenland Ice Sheet, based on a compilation of ground-based and... -
Axel Hambergs Sarekforskning 1895-1933: De osynliga Sámiska forskningsassiste...
The natural geographer Axel Hamberg (1863-1933) became the funder of the research in the mountain massif, Sarek, Sweden, the area known as Sweden’s last wild life area. He based... -
(Table 22) Vegetation, soil and site characteristics of all relevés sampled a...
Mean thaw depths for relevees 40 through 44 are given as NSC/Inter -
General characteristics of soil profiles from the Ouémé Upper Catchment (HVO)...
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Dispersion curves, phase velocity maps and shear-wave velocity model for Scan...
The data set consists of dispersion curves and the corresponding 2D phase velocity maps based on earthquake generated Rayleigh surface waves and ambient noise, as well as the... -
Shear stress along active megathrusts and force balance solutions
The data are the source data for Figures 2, 3, and 4 in the paper "Megathrust shear force controls mountain height at convergent plate margins" by Dielforder, Hetzel, and Oncken...