Arbeidskrachtentelling 1973
In de Arbeidskrachtentelling zijn gegevens verzameld over de bevolking en beroepsbevolking om inzicht te krijgen in de ontwikkelingen op de arbeidsmarkt. Dit onderzoek is de... -
Image en gebruik van kernenergie voor de opwekking van electriciteit 1973
Indispensability of nuclear power plants to meet the demand for electricity in the long run / risks to be expected for the health of people living close by nuclear power plant /... -
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 05, sept. 1973 )
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference... -
Winkelende huisvrouw 1973
Buying of provisions / retailers / door-to-door deliveries / kind and quantity of provisions / frequency of buying / shopping centre / favourite shop / differences between shops... -
Sociale ongelijkheid en psychische storingen 1973
Work / job characteristics ( danger, noise, dirt ) / chances of becoming unemployed / leadership / chances for personal development / relations with colleagues / independence /... -
Sexual relationships and birthcontrol in Ghana 1973 : A case study of a rural...
Marriage / divorce / partner and children / pregnancies / living with husband / family role behaviour / best method for birth-control / abortion / sexual intercourse / desired... -
Slachtoffers van delikten 1973
Experiences with being a victim of some criminal act / specific cases / opinions about punishment of the offender / characteristics of offender. -
Arbeidskrachtentelling 1973
In de Arbeidskrachtentelling zijn gegevens verzameld over de bevolking en beroepsbevolking om inzicht te krijgen in de ontwikkelingen op de arbeidsmarkt. Dit onderzoek is de... -
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 04, may 1973 )
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference... -
Project Ongekend Bijzonder, Rotterdam, interview 28
geslacht: Vrouw land van herkomst: Chili klasse in land van herkomst: hoog leeftijd aankomst NL: 17 stad: Rotterdam vluchtreden: Staatsgreep Pinochet 1973, zij en andere... -
NIPO weekpeilingen 1973
Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1973 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and... -
European Communities Study, 1973
This study can be considered as the start of the Eurobarometer series. It focuses on satisfaction with various aspects of life and society and European unification. Themes:... -
Funkties van juristen 1973
Detailed occupational characteristics / detailed function description / degree of independence / evaluation of academic education. Background variables: basic characteristics/... -
Hierarchie van winkelcentra 1973
Visiting different shopping centres in Amersfoort / reasons / frequency / distance from house to shopping centre / transport / which articles and services are purchased in which... -
Muziese vorming in het Dordtse basisonderwijs 1973
Study on the education in art and in particular music subjects Teaching in art and music subjects: drama, visual arts, music and dance / preference teacher on this subjects /... -
Werkende jongere zijn: een hele belevenis 1973
Opinions, expectations about school / work / home life / leisure / friendship / pupils in special educational settings ( training ). Background variables: basic characteristics/... -
Vrijwillige gezinsvoogd 1973
Voluntary family guardians working with the Dutch national society for the prevention of cruelty to children ( kinderbescherming ) / preparation for function / motivations /... -
Meningen over gewelddaden die gepaard gaan met bedreiging van onschuldigen 1973
Opinions on acts of violence where innocent people were threatened / safety in general / increase of violence / political versus non political violence / role of government.... -
Arbeidskrachtentelling, 1973 - AKT 1973
Survey met betrekking tot de relaties tussen mens en arbeidsmarkt. Variabelen: persoonskenmerken: positie in het huishouden, geslacht, geboortejaar, nationaliteit, soort van... -
Social mobility in Australia project, 1973
3 major objectives. ( 1 ): To replicate the 1965 base line study of Australian stratification and mobility SSDA study nr.7. ( 2 ): To get more insight into social mobility and...