4 datasets found

Keywords: Teckenspråk

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  • Korpus i svenskt teckenspråk som andraspråk

    Swedish Sign Language as Second Language Corpus includes video recordings and documentation of sign language texts, produced by adult hearing second language learners of Swedish...
  • Svensk tolkordlista

    Swedish interpreters' word list. Approx. 5,000 entries. 2006. Swedish interpreters' word list. Approximately 5000 entries. 2006. Svensk tolkordlista. Omfattar termer inom...
  • Svenskt teckenspråkslexikon

    Swedish sign language dictionary (2008—) updated continuously with new signs and examples. There is a sign demonstration and photo illustration for or each entry, with...
  • Svensk teckenspråkskorpus, version 1

    The Swedish Sign Language Corpus includes recordings and documentation of sign language texts, produced by Swedish Sign Language signers. The corpus material is freely...
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