ToF ND investigation of Medieval double-edged swords
The European Medieval double-edged sword develops in the 11th century from the Viking Age sword. Already in the 10th century, some of the finest examples of the Ulfberht type of... -
NRCA set-up optimization
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Characterization of texture of bronze standards through Bragg edge diffractio...
The Bragg edge transmission technique (BET) is a diffraction method exploiting the edges appearing in the transmitted neutron spectra crossing polycrystalline materials and is... -
Test of an array of new thermal and resonance neutron detectors
The R&D activity on neutron detectors is strategic and instrumental for the development of reliable application of the neutron techniques. We propose to use two equal... -
Test of a high-resolution CCD camera for neutron radiography
We propose to test a high-resolution, light-intensified CCD camera system on INES for neutron radiography. The potential use of such a system on INES for radiographic purposes... -
Iron Knives and Swords from the Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Watchfield, Oxfordshire
We propose to analyse 23 Early Medieval (ca. 6th century AD) iron knives and swords from the cemetery site at Watchfield, Oxon. The objects are in the care of Oxfordshire County...