Length of prey items found in the stomach of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) fro...
This file contains length measurements performed on prey items found in the stomach content of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) caught from underneath the sea ice of the central... -
Stomach contents of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) from the central Arctic Ocean
This file contains stomach content data from polar cod (Boreogadus saida) caught from underneath the sea ice of the central Arctic Ocean during spring and summer. The fish were... -
Information on polar cod (Boreogadus saida) from the central Arctic Ocean, us...
This file contains data on polar cod (Boreogadus saida) used for stomach content analysis. The individuals caught from underneath the sea ice of the central Arctic Ocean during... -
Lipids, fatty acids, and δ13C values in fatty acids measured in Arctic zoopla...
This dataset consists of lipid analysis, fatty acid analysis, and compound specific stable isotope analysis of δ13C values in fatty acids. These parameters were measured in... -
Fatty acids and δ13C values of fatty acids measured in particulate organic ma...
This dataset consists of fatty acid analysis and compound specific stable isotope analysis of fatty acids (δ13C-FA). These parameters were measured in particulate organic matter... -
ICEFLUX allometric measurements of polar zooplankton and fish
This dataset summarizes allometric measurements on zooplankton and nekton species performed in the framework of the Dutch and German ICEFLUX projects. Measurements were... -
Radiance from SUIT measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS106
Measured under-ice radiance and derived transflectance for each haul. The associated ice draft values are the values from the corresponding TSC file resampled at the frequency... -
Irradiance from SUIT measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS80
Measured under-ice irradiance and derived transmittance for each haul. The associated ice draft values are the values from the corresponding TSC file resampled at the frequency... -
Irradiance from SUIT measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS106
Measured under-ice irradiance and derived transmittance for each haul. The associated ice draft values are the values from the corresponding TSC file resampled at the frequency... -
Sensor data from SUIT measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS80
SUIT sensors data interpolated on a 0.5 m grid along transect. -
Sensor data from SUIT measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS106
SUIT sensors data interpolated on a 0.5 m grid along transect. -
Sea ice draft, surface water temperature, salinity and chlorophyl a from SUIT...
Measured surface water properties (temperature, salinity, chl a), and derived sea-ice thickness and draft for each haul. Data are interpolated on a 0.5 m grid along the transect. -
Sea ice draft, surface water temperature, salinity and chlorophyl a from SUIT...
Measured surface water properties (temperature, salinity, chl a), and derived sea-ice thickness and draft for each haul. Data are interpolated on a 0.5 m grid along the transect. -
Under-ice fauna from the Eurasian central Arctic Ocean during August-Septembe...
This dataset has no description
Sea-ice concentration and under-ice water parameters from the Eurasian centra...
This dataset has no description
Arctic basal resources and organisms measured with d13C values in essential a...
This data consists of compound specific isotope analysis of d13C values in essential amino acids measured in several Arctic basal resources collected in the field; ice algal... -
Zooplankton sampled under-ice during POLARSTERN cruise PS81 (ANT-XXIX/7)
This dataset has no description
Environmental parameters sampled under-ice during POLARSTERN cruise PS81 (ANT...
Roughness was estimated from sea ice thickness with formula: √((x1^2+x2^2+...+xn^2)/n), where (x1, x2, ..., xn) is the set of n values of sea-ice thickness along one sampling... -
Irradiance from SUIT measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS92
Measured under-ice irradiance and derived transmittance for each haul. The associated ice draft values are the values from the corresponding TSC file resampled at the frequency... -
Irradiance from SUIT measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS89
Measured under-ice irradiance and derived transmittance for each haul. The associated ice draft values are the values from the corresponding TSC file resampled at the frequency...