Genome-wide nucleosome position data for 12 yeast species
We mapped nucleosome positions genome-wide in 12 Ascomycetes Overall design: Illumina sequencing of mononucleosomal DNA isolated from mid-log cultures grown in rich medium... -
Expression evolution in gene groups: Inferring non-neutral regulatory change ...
We profiled the transcriptomes of four Saccharomyces species, as well as pairwise hybrids between three of the species with S. cerevisiae Overall design: For pairwise... -
Spo11-oligo mapping in Saccharomyces species (S. paradoxus, S. mikatae, S. ku...
The nonrandom distribution of meiotic recombination shapes heredity and genetic diversification. A widely held view is that individual hotspots - favored sites of recombination... -
Transcriptomic comparison of 11 species of yeast in rich media and oxidative ...
The objective of this experiment was to study the mechanism of de novo gene birth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. While the model organism S. cerevisiae has one of the highest... -
Intra- and inter-specific variations of gene expression levels in yeast are l...
It is commonly, although not universally, accepted that most intra- and inter-specific genome sequence variations are more or less neutral, whereas a large fraction of... -
Genome characterization of Saccharomyces genus
Genome sequencing of multiple lineages from the Saccharomyces genus -
Whole-genome nucleosome mapping in meiotic diploid Saccharomyces species (S. ...
We determined nucleosome positions genome-wide in diploid Saccharomyces species undergoing early stages of synchronous meiosis. This study sought to assess if meiotic DNA... -
Rec114 ChIP-seq
To segregate accurately during meiosis, homologous chromosomes in most species must recombine. Very small chromosomes would risk missegregation if recombination were randomly... -
Protointrons in Saccharomyces sp.
We sequenced non-ribosomal RNA from a upf1 deletion mutant of S. cerevisiae, and from wild type S. mikatae and S. bayanus, and identified a new class of yeast introns. Overall...