Oxygen fluxes of coral Xenia umbellata in a aquarium experiment
One coral colony per tank was used for oxygen flux measurements, with incubations conducted every 7 days (n = 3 per treatment). On measurement days, oxygen fluxes were assessed... -
Sediment incubation flux data of reservoir sediment cores
Fred is the total O2 required per area to oxidize all reduced compounds released by the sediment was calculated according to Steinsberger et al. (2017): Steinsberger T, Schmid... -
(Figure 2) Biological characteristics of anemones Anemonia virids from sites ...
R1-R3 = reference sites away from the CO2 vents, and hence representative of 'present day' pCO2 conditions. S1-S3 = sites with increasing proximity to the vents thus provided a... -
Degradation of diatom-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) in surface seawater
Stored surface seawater originally collected in the North Sea was amended with dissolved organic matter (DOM) obtained from the diatom Skeletonema marinoi by exposing the diatom... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and coral primary production
While research on ocean acidification (OA) impacts on coral reefs has focused on calcification, relatively little is known about effects on coral photosynthesis and respiration,... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and gross photosynthesis rate, respiration rate,...
Climate change threatens the survival of scleractinian coral from exposure to concurrent ocean warming, acidification and deoxygenation; how corals can potentially adapt to this... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification rate, net photosynthesis and r...
Coral reefs are deteriorating under climate change as oceans continue to warm and acidify and thermal anomalies grow in frequency and intensity. In vitro experiments are widely... -
Calcification is not the Achilles'heel of cold-water corals in an acidifying ...
Ocean acidification is thought to be a major threat to coral reefs: laboratory evidence and CO2 seep research has shown adverse effects on many coral species, although a few are... -
Physiological advantages of dwarfing in surviving extinctions in high-CO2 oceans
Excessive CO2 in the present-day ocean-atmosphere system is causing ocean acidification, and is likely to cause a severe biodiversity decline in the future, mirroring effects in... -
Bacterial production and respiration measured on water bottle samples at time...
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Plankton community metabolism in Western Australia: estuarine, coastal and oc...
Here we present a total of 86 stations sampled in six different areas along the Western Australian Coast in the southeastern Indian Ocean. This dataset includes measurements of... -
Experiment: Competition between calcifying and noncalcifying temperate marine...
Since pre-industrial times, uptake of anthropogenic CO2 by surface ocean waters has caused a documented change of 0.1 pH units. Calcifying organisms are sensitive to elevated... -
Abundance, biomass and respiration data of fishes (Stomiiformes) from the BAT...
The values of carbon remineralisation were measured in juveniles/adults of 5 non-migratory bristlemouth fishes (Cyclothone spp.) and partial migrator (Argyropelecus hemigymnus)... -
Primary production of intertidal temperate seagrass Zostera marina from Rimou...
Eelgrass shoots (Zostera marina) from Rimouski, QC, were exposed in July 2020 to a natural gradient of light intensity, ranging from 6 to 860 µmol photons/m²/s, to assess the... -
Experiment on pH effects on coralline-epiphyte complex (Ellisolandia elongata...
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Bench-top experiment on Fucus responses to temperatures in thermobaths
Fucus gross (GPP) and net (NPP) primary production, respiration (R) and metabolic balance (GPP/2R) responses to temperature in thermobaths: Temperature levels 5, 10, 15, 20,... -
Physiological responses of Fucus vesiculosus under temperature gradient
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Physiological responses of Idotea balthica under temperature gradient
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Copepod community respiration during POLARSTERN cruise PS81 (ANT-XXIX/1)
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Respiration rate associated to chamber oxygen concentration of the euphausiid...
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