Ziel van de Wederopbouw – Interview 041
Een groot deel van zijn leven speelde zich in het centrum van Rotterdam af. Als klein Jongetje kwam hij al kijken naar de aanleg van de metro (1966) en de huldiging van... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 493
De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn uitzendingen naar de Sinai en Cambodja. Hij deed de opleiding voor de verbindingsdienst bij de Marine. Hij wilde graag bij de Mariniers. De... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 261
De geïnterviewde zat bij de Koninklijke Marechaussee. Hij vertelt over de opleiding. De geïnterviewde wilde graag bij de politie. Hij vertelt over zijn werkzaamheden. In 1979... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 925
De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn twee uitzendingen naar Libanon. De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn opleiding en zijn tijd bij de KMA. De geïnterviewde omschrijft zichzelf als... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 997
De geïnterviewde werd in 1947 uitgezonden naar Nederlands-Indie. Hij zat bij de Koninklijke Marine. Hij vertelt over de opleidingen en de gang van zaken. Op de Zuiderkruis... -
Temperature Effects and Kinetics of Thiolipid Adsorption to Gold Surfaces
We have a programme investigating the structure and function of protein scaffolds oriented on gold surfaces using sulfur chemistry for attachment. The aim is to direct the... -
Investigation of new fluorinated and reductively defluorinated phases with Ru...
Fluoride Ion Batteries (FIB) are alternative energy storage systems which work based on the transport of fluoride ions between the electrochemically active electrode materials.... -
Oxidation of a bilayer of DOPC by aqueous ozone - a chemical, kinetic and mec...
Mineral aerosol in the atmosphere is a major part of the Earths aerosol budget. Organic films on these aerosols affect the aerosols ability to promote cloud formation and... -
Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Interactions with Lipid Bilayers in a Magnetic Field
Iron oxide nanoparticles are one of the first nanomaterials to be approved for use in the body. However, research into particle binding and incorporation to, as well as... -
Determining the Induced Magnetism in Graphene by High-Angle Polarised Neutron...
The aim of this proposal is to measure the induced magnetic moment in graphene arising from the proximity effect in the vicinity of a ferromagnetic substrate using high-angle... -
Neutron Diffraction Measurement of Residual Stress in the Seam Weld of an UOE...
Approved proposal under the ICRD Scheme Proposal ICRD0018 -
Tuning Emergent Magnetisation Dynamics in Interconnected Nanomagnets
Access to OFFSPEC is requested to investigate emergent magnetisation dynamics in ensembles of interconnected ring-shaped nanowires. When these ensembles are subjected to... -
Structure of Hard Sphere Colloids in Nano-Confinements
In a previous OFFSPEC experiment we showed that when a suspension of 100-nm-diameter, charge-stabilized silica particles suspended in a refractive-index-matched solvent is... -
Neutron reflection study of spin coat grapheme oxide films
We have recently been able to form a thin graphene oxide (GO) film with uniform thickness around 30±2Å from aqueous GO suspensions by spin coating (onto small wafers for... -
Vibrational Neutron Spectroscopy Studies of Porous Metal-Organic Framework Ma...
The research of new porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is receiving considerable attention worldwide owing to their potential for gas adsorption, storage and separation.... -
Residual stress distributions and stress relaxation due to Post Weld Heat Tre...
UK power plants are following the worldwide trends in the power generating industry, in line with demands for increases in the efficiency of existing power plants and for... -
The Interaction of Puroindoline-b with Model Phospholipid Bilayers
Puroindolines are basic cystiene rich proteins which possess unique Trp rich domains which are fully conserved in the predominant isoform Pin-a and partially in Pin-b. This...