Molecular DOM composition (relative peak intensities) derived from ultra-high...
We studied dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics in a mangrove-fringed estuary in North Brazil, linking DOM composition to redox conditions at its formation sites. By... -
Annotated and filtered molecular formulas associated with dissolved organic m...
The unique chromatographic behaviour of DOM was investigated on three exemplary water samples representing coastal DOM, oceanic surface DOM and oceanic refractory DOM. Weddell... -
Annotated and filtered molecular formulas associated with dissolved organic m...
The unique chromatographic behaviour of DOM was investigated on three exemplary water samples representing coastal DOM, oceanic surface DOM and oceanic refractory DOM. Weddell... -
Molecular dissolved organic matter composition of porewater and water-extract...
Molecular dissolved organic matter composition of porewater and water-extractable hot-water Soxhlet extracts. The dataset contains all molecular formulae found with... -
Assigned molecular formulae and normalized intensities of measured samples fr...
Sample code is the same as in the parameter file. -
Annotation of metabolites produced by bacteria isolated from the mesopelagic ...
Putative annotation of metabolites produced by the Psychrobacter sp. SU143, Psychrobacter sp. SU137, Shewanella sp. SU126 and Polaribacter sp. SU124 in the liquid and solid... -
Transformation of dissolved organic matter chracterized by FT-ICR-MS during i...
This data set shows the formulae of dissolved organic matter characterized by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) at temperatures of 20°C (in... -
Dissolved organic matter molecular composition data for multiple oceanographi...
This data includes the dissolved organic matter (DOM) molecular composition data obtained via Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry for multiple... -
Molecular composition of dissolved organic matter and porewater chemistry fro...
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Structural fingerprints of individual molecular formulae in DOM from fragment...
EVENTS:Antarctic Bottom Water AABW (pooled sample) * LATITUDE: 30° 60' S; 25° 60' S * LONGITUDE: 30° 60' W; 39° 0' W * DEPTH: 4100 m; 4000 m * DATE: 2012-04-18; 2012-04-20 *... -
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition from a set of four marine and one ...
EVENTS:Antarctic Bottom Water AABW (pooled sample) * LATITUDE: 30° 60' S; 25° 60' S * LONGITUDE: 30° 60' W; 39° 0' W * DEPTH: 4100 m; 4000 m * DATE: 2012-04-18; 2012-04-20 *... -
Dissolved organic matter composition in the Mediterranean Sea (FT-ICR-MS)
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(Table 2) Summary of molecular composition of the dissolved organic matter
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(Table 2) Summary of molecular composition of the DOM samples of seawater, hy...
NEqPIW = North Equatorial Pacific IntermediateWater.CHO = carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.CHON, CHOS, CHOP = containing also nitrogen with or without sulfur and phosphorus. -
KOSMOS 2014 mesocosm study: DOM
Compilation of Maren Zark (eMail: maren.zark@uni-oldenburg.de) and Thorsten Dittmar (eMail: thorsten.dittmar@uni-oldenburg.de) -
Dissolved organic matter composition derived from FT-ICR-MS analyses
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Dissolved organic matter composition given as FT-ICR-MS peak intensities meas...
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Dissolved organic matter molecular composition and concentrations from a larg...
We applied ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry to monitor the production and turnover of 7,360 distinct molecular DOM features in an unprecedented long-term mesocosm study in... -
(Appendix 1) Dissolved organic matter composition of mesocosm experiments giv...
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Dissolved organic matter composition in the Fennoscandian Shield deep terrest...
Copious amounts of organic carbon are stored for long periods of time in deep continental groundwaters. Little is known about its composition and cycling, mainly due to the...