Whole-genome sequencing of follicular thyroid carcinomas reveal recurrent mut...
Background The genomic and transcriptomic landscape of widely invasive follicular thyroid carcinomas (wiFTCs) is poorly characterized, and a large subset of these tumours lack... -
Katt mikroRNA transkriptom i helblod hos 6 friska katter och hos 6 katter med...
Aim to characterize differentially expressed miRNAS between healthy Norwegian Forest cats and healthy Domestic Shorthair cats, and to compare with cats with hypertropic... -
RNA-sekvenseringsdata från patienter med hjärtsjukdom och kontroller
RNA sequencing analysis of atrial cardiac tissue from patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) or aortic valve replacement (AVR) was performed and compared... -
Make/maka DNA kohort
The cohort was recruited among accompanying spouses of cancer patients at the Oncology Clinic at Lund University Hospital. The study will be used as a reference population in... -
MISS-kohorten, Melanom i Södra Sverige - enkät
The MISS cohort started in 1990 when 40 000 women between 26 and 65 in Skåne were randomly selected to participate in an interview about the risk factors for malignant melanoma... -
MISS-kohorten, Melanom i Södra Sverige - DNA
The MISS cohort started in 1990 when 40 000 women between 26 and 65 in Skåne were randomly selected to participate in an interview about the risk factors for malignant melanoma... -
Studie av riskfaktorer för melanom - fall
Since 1988, individuals affected by melanoma in Southern Sweden has been interviewed and the cohort now consists of 3000 cases. For each case, two controls are randomly selected... -
Studie av riskfaktorer för melanom - kontroller
Since 1988, individuals affected by melanoma in Southern Sweden has been interviewed and the cohort now consists of 3000 cases. For each case, two controls are randomly selected... -
BRCA1- eller BRCA2-mutationsbärare
The cohort, which is part of an international collaboration with IBCCS and Cimba, is covering all (both men and women) who have undergone mutation testing for BRCA1 or 2 in the... -
Kvinnor med hög risk för bröst- och äggstockscancer
Participants in this cohort are women identified from medical records and family records from the Department of Oncology , Lund. The inclusion criteria is that the woman should... -
Fall- kontrollstudie av riskfaktorer för lymfom - Lymfom fall
The cohort consists of all individuals over 18 years with lymphoma identified from the regional cancer registry in southern Sweden during the years 1990 to 1998. In the first... -
Fall- kontrollstudie av riskfaktorer för lymfom - Lymfom kontroller
The cohort consists of all individuals over 18 years with lymphoma identified from the regional cancer registry in southern Sweden during the years 1990 to 1998. In the first... -
Familjestudier av barncancer - Släktforskningsdatabank
In this unique Swedish study, which started in September 2008, all new and prevalent cancer cases in southern Sweden are included to create a family history data bank. All... -
Svenska Tvillingregistret
STR has been based at the Karolinska Institutet since 1959, first at the Institution of Hygien and thereafter at Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, MEB. STR was originally...