Natura 2000 Network (Saltmarshes vegetation)
Key species of estuarine habitats, which have been identified through the analysis of the phytosociological communities that are developed within Natura 2000 sites in Cantabria. -
Macrophytes occurrence data within French Mediterranen Lagoon since 2006
<p>The French Mediterranen Lagoon Monitoring Network (RSL project) was rolled out in 2000 within the framework of the \"SDAGE Rhône Méditerranée Corse\"</p> -
Molecular and Physiological Alteration of Soybean in Response to Drought, Hea...
To investigate how plants response to drought and heat and combined drought and heat stresses. -
Natura 2000 Network (Saltmarshes vegetation)
Key species of estuarine habitats, which have been identified through the analysis of the phytosociological communities that are developed within Natura 2000 sites in Cantabria. -
Methods for Quick DNA Barcode Reference Library Construction
DNA barcoding has become the most important technique in species identification of plant materials for its high repeatability and accuracy. However, the successful application... -
Oryza sativa Raw sequence reads
To investigate the potential effects of the sporophytic ovule tissues on the abortive mechanism in rice female gametophytes, we used RNA sequencing, combined with genetic... -
Macrophytes occurrence data within French Mediterranen Lagoon since 2006
<p>The French Mediterranen Lagoon Monitoring Network (RSL project) was rolled out in 2000 within the framework of the "SDAGE Rhône Méditerranée Corse"</p> -
CPGview-RSG Validation
Data used to validate CPGview-RSG. A package for visualizing the repeats and spliced genes of chloroplast genomes. -
MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige: hjärtinfarktregister
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate... -
MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige: strokeregister
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate... -
Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012 - Åk 6
In the spring of 2012, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2 in all 33... -
Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012 - Åk 9
In the spring of 2012, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2 in all 33... -
Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012 - Gy åk 2
In the spring of 2012, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2 in all 33... -
Barnens miljöhälsoenkät 2003: 8 månader
The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on... -
Barnens miljöhälsoenkät 2003: 4 år
The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on... -
Barnens miljöhälsoenkät 2003: 12 år
The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on... -
Folkhälsa i Skåne 2012 - Enkät 1: Yngre (18-64 år)
Region Skåne regularly carries out public health surveys to examine the health and living conditions of living and living conditions. Previous surveys have been carried out in... -
Folkhälsa i Skåne 2012 - Enkät 2: Äldre (65-80 år)
Region Skåne regularly carries out public health surveys to examine the health and living conditions of living and living conditions. Previous surveys have been carried out in... -
Kvinnors hälsa i Lundabygden (WHILA) - inledande frågeformulär
The Women's Health in the Lund Area (WHILA) study invited all women (n = 10,766) living in the Lund area of Southern Sweden by 1995, who were born between 1935 and 1945. The... -
Svenska Tvillingregistret
STR has been based at the Karolinska Institutet since 1959, first at the Institution of Hygien and thereafter at Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, MEB. STR was originally...