CT raw data, polyp-cavity segmentation and calices segmentation (all DICOM fo...
Madrepora oculata sample GeoB12747-1 originates from Meknes mud vulcano, Gulf of Cadiz, where it was taken with the Marum ROV CHEROKEE during Pelagia cruise 64PE284 (position:... -
Directed edges of the colony skeleton graph from Madrepora oculata colony sam...
Madrepora oculata sample GeoB12747-1 originates from Meknes mud vulcano, Gulf of Cadiz, where it was taken with the Marum ROV CHEROKEE during Pelagia cruise 64PE284 (position:... -
(Table 2) Boron isotope composition of carbonate from cold-water scleractinia...
Isotope measurements were normalised to SRM951 and are expressed as delta values (d11B), and external precision is 0.31 per mil based on the in-house coral Porites standard... -
Phylogenomics of Anthozoa: New Approaches to long-standing problems
Sequence data were captured using a targeted enrichment approach for UCEs and exons. -
Effects of elevated pCO2 and feeding on net calcification and energy budget o...
Ocean acidification is a major threat to calcifying marine organisms such as deep-sea cold-water corals (CWC), but related knowledge is scarce. The aragonite saturation... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification of two mediterranean cold-wate...
Deep-water ecosystems are characterized by relatively low carbonate concentration values and, due to ocean acidification (OA), these habitats might be among the first to be... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry, calcification and respiration of Mediterranean ...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Lavigne and Gattuso, 2011) was used to compute a complete and consistent... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry, nutrients and calcification during experiments ...
Global environmental changes, including ocean acidification, have been identified as a major threat to scleractinian corals. General predictions are that ocean acidification... -
Size and depth of cold-water coral colonies on 3D reconstructions in the Laca...
Coral assemblages were reconstructed in 3 dimensions (photogrammetry) using the 'Structure from motion' technique, at several locations in the canyon. The two colonial species,... -
Presence and depth of cold-water coral colonies on 3D reconstructions in the ...
Coral assemblages were reconstructed in 3 dimensions (photogrammetry) using the 'Structure from motion' technique, at several locations in the canyon. The two colonial species,... -
Occurrences and measurements of Madrepora oculata cold-water coral colonies o...
Occurence data and measurements of alive vs. dead colony sections of Madrepora oculata cold-water corals were obtained at six coral mounds off Angola from 17th to 25th January... -
Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa mass and 210Pb-226Ra chronology, Røst ...
Here we show the use of the 210Pb-226Ra excess method to determine the growth rate of corals from one of the world's largest known cold-water coral reef, the Røst Reef off... -
Occurence of coral species off Cape de Creus, western Mediterranean, investig...
In many cases dense benthic community with high biodiversity level. -
Occurences of Madrepora oculata on coral mounds off Angola (SE Atlantic)
This dataset includes occurrence data for the cold-water coral Madrepora oculata obtained from underwater video transects performed to characterize benthic communities. Data... -
Measurements of alive and dead colony sections of Madrepora oculata cold-wate...
Alive and dead colony sections of Madrepora oculata cold-water corals were measured from underwater video transects carried out to characterize benthic communities. Data were...