CeMbio - The C. elegans microbiome resource: Bacterial genomes raw reads
The study of microbiomes by sequencing has revealed a plethora of correlations between microbial community composition and various life-history characteristics of the... -
SC PHL pathogens isolated from wastewater samples that are not routine Genome...
Whole genome sequencing of wastewater isolates that do not fall into GenomeTrakr enteric or ESKAPE organisms. -
FDA-ARGOS is a database with public quality-controlled reference genomes for ...
<b>FDA-ARGOS project update</b> <p>FDA-ARGOS database updates may help researchers rapidly validate diagnostic tests and use qualified genetic sequences to... -
Draft genome sequences of transconjugants harboring PromA plasmids
Nucleotide sequences including G+C contents and oligonucleotide compositions tend to be more similar between plasmid and hosts' chromosome than between the plasmid and non-host... -
Wastewater Metagenomics and Isolate Sequencing
Wastewater samples from New Zealand. WGS shotgun sequencing and isolate genomes.