Informe de l'anàlisi antracològic de l'excavació a la Facultat de Medicina, UAB
Anthracological data from the excavation at Medicina (Faculty of Medicine, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola, Barcelona). The attached data comes from the charcoal... -
Informe del análisis antracológico del yacimiento Cerro de la Gavia (Vallecas...
Anthracological data from the site of Cerro de la Gavia (Vallecas, Madrid). The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses from the Iron age site of Cerro de la Gavia. -
Early Iron Age (Bantu) sites in East and Southeast Africa
Selection of 70 early Iron Age (Bantu) sites in East and Southeast Africa. Names, dates and coordinates were obtained from Russell Table 2 (Russell T, Silva F, Steele J....