Mediebarometern 2017
The Media Barometer (Mediebarometern) is an annual survey focusing on how the Swedish population between ages 9 and 79 uses media on traditional and digital platforms on an... -
Mediebarometern 2018
The Media Barometer (Mediebarometern) is an annual survey focusing on how the Swedish population between ages 9 and 79 uses media on traditional and digital platforms on an... -
Fall-, rese-, socioekonomisk och meterologisk data för att analysera socioeko...
Collection of socio-economic and meteorological indicators as well as travel patterns and cases of H1N1 during the swine flu pandemic in Sweden in 2009. Comprise the... -
ACROBAT - ett multi-infärgat histologiskt dataset från rutindiagnostik av brö...
The ACROBAT data set consists of 4,212 whole slide images (WSIs) from 1,153 female primary breast cancer patients. The WSIs in the data set are available at 10X magnification... -
Annotating speaker stance in discourse: the Brexit Blog Corpus (BBC)
In this study, we explore to what extent language users agree about what kind of stances are expressed in natural language use or whether their interpretations diverge. In order... -
SMARTBUY dataset
The dataset represents a compilation of user interaction data generated by users who participated in the project's pilot activities in Patras, Greece. Data was generated by... -
Metodologiska överväganden för att identifiera tvivelaktig publicering i nati...
The overall scope of this study is an attempt at a methodological framework for matching publication lists at the national level against a combined set of blacklists for... -
Mediebarometern 2017
The Media Barometer (Mediebarometern) is an annual survey focusing on how the Swedish population between ages 9 and 79 uses media on traditional and digital platforms on an... -
Mediebarometern 2018
The Media Barometer (Mediebarometern) is an annual survey focusing on how the Swedish population between ages 9 and 79 uses media on traditional and digital platforms on an... -
Metodologiska överväganden för att identifiera tvivelaktig publicering i nati...
The overall scope of this study is an attempt at a methodological framework for matching publication lists at the national level against a combined set of blacklists for... -
Mediebarometern 2017
The Media Barometer (Mediebarometern) is an annual survey focusing on how the Swedish population between ages 9 and 79 uses media on traditional and digital platforms on an... -
Mediebarometern 2018
The Media Barometer (Mediebarometern) is an annual survey focusing on how the Swedish population between ages 9 and 79 uses media on traditional and digital platforms on an... -
Methodological considerations for identifying Questionable Publishing in a Na...
The overall scope of this study is an attempt at a methodological framework for matching publication lists at the national level against a combined set of blacklists for...