X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Hamburg, Staats- und Universi...
XRF (Bruker M6 JetStream: 50kV, 600 µA, maps with 70 to 200 µm steps and 40-50 ms per pixel) and reflectography (DinoLite AD4113T-I2V: x40 magnification, vis,... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Hamburg, Staats- und Universi...
XRF (Bruker M6 JetStream: 50kV, 600 µA, maps with 200 µm steps and 25-30 ms per pixel) and reflectography (DinoLite AD4113T-I2V: x40 magnification, vis, NIR... -
Europarl – svenska-grekiska (2013-11-17) Europarl – Swedish-Greek (2013-11-17)
Part of European Parliament Proceedings Parallel Corpus Del av European Parliament Proceedings Parallel Corpus -
Institutiones Iustiniani - Institutiones Iustiniani / digital edition publish...
Institutiones Iustiniani - Institutiones Iustiniani Testo digitalizzato e codificato nell’ambito del progetto BIA dall’edizione a stampa Mommsen, Theodor, Corpus Iuris civilis.... -
Novellae Iustiniani - Iustiniani Novellae / digital edition published by BIA ...
Novellae Iustiniani - Iustiniani Novellae Testo digitalizzato e codificato nell’ambito del progetto BIA dall’edizione a stampa Schoell, Rudolfus - Kroll, Guilelmus, Corpus Iuris... -
Cretan Institutional Inscriptions
The database Cretan Institutional Inscriptions was created as part of the PhD research project in Ancient Heritage Studies Kretikai Politeiai: Cretan Institutions from VII to I... -
Codex Iustinianus - Codex Iustinianus / digital edition published by BIA ― Bi...
Codex Iustinianus – Codex Iustinianus Testo digitalizzato e codificato nell’ambito del progetto BIA dall’edizione a stampa Krueger, Paulus (ed.), Corpus Iuris civilis. Editio... -
Appendix Novellarum - Corporis CLXVIII Novellarum Appendices / digital editio...
Appendix Novellarum - Corporis CLXVIII Novellarum Appendices. Testo digitalizzato e codificato nell’ambito del progetto BIA dall’edizione a stampa Schoell, Rudolfus – Kroll,... -
Cretan Institutional Inscriptions Dataset
The database Cretan Institutional Inscriptions was created as part of the PhD research project in Ancient Heritage Studies Kretikai Politeiai: Cretan Institutions from VII to I... -
Edicta Iustiniani - Iustiniani XIII Edicta quae vocantur / digital edition pu...
Edicta Iustiniani - Iustiniani XIII Edicta quae vocantur Testo digitalizzato e codificato nell’ambito del progetto BIA dall’edizione a stampa Schoell, Rudolfus - Kroll,... -
Digesta - Digesta Iustiniani / digital edition published by BIA ― Bibliotheca...
Digesta - Digesta Iustiniani Testo digitalizzato e codificato nell’ambito del progetto BIA dall’edizione a stampa Mommsen, Theodor (ed.), Corpus Iuris civilis. Editio stereotypa... -
Multispectral data for P. 5026: Magisches Handbuch of the Berliner Papyrussam...
Multispectral dataset for a fragment of a Greek papyrus scroll, PGM II (P. 5026), in the Berliner Papyrussammlung and currently on display in the Neues Museum,... -
DJI Foreigner Survey - Young People
The demographic and socio-economic context as well as the moral orientations of young people of Greek, Italian and Turkish origins. Topics: 1. Education and school attendance:... -
DJI Foreigner Survey - Children and Parents
The demographic and socio-economic context as well as the moral orientations of children and parents of Greek and Italian as well as of children of Turkish origins. Topics: The... -
Ink-sights into Hellenistic and Roman Egypt: a journey from Carbon to Iron-ga...
Presentation at the 4th International Congress of Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, Nicosia (Cyprus), 05/2024. Recent research on the... -
Priests, Officials, and Scribes: "Ink-Contacts" in the Multilingual and Multi...
Presentation at the international colloquium INK-QUIRY Inks: between text and materiality, 11.12.2023, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid (Spain). The research for this... -
XRF Ink Analysis of Selected Fragments from the Herculaneum Collection of the...
The most commonly used ink in antiquity was carbon-based, and the main element of carbonized papyrus is carbon, making conventional computed tomography (CT-scanning) of... -
In the last two decades, the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschug und -prüfung (BAM), together with the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC, University of... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Milan, Ambrosian Library, Ms ...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Milan, Ambrosian... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Leipzig, Universitaetsbibliot...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from...