Contamination of dab (Limanda limanda) with explosive chemicals leaking from ...
Conventional munition dumped into the North Sea and the Baltic Sea close to the German coastline is corroding. A major concern is that biota, including fish, take up toxic... -
Health status of dab (Limanda limanda) exposed to dumped munition in German c...
Conventional munition dumped into the North Sea and the Baltic Sea close to the German coastline is corroding. A major concern is that biota, including fish, are negatively... -
Fatty acids in phytoplankton as well as in Ethmalosa fimbriata stomach conten...
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Fatty acids of Ethmalosa fimbriata oocytes sampled inside the Sine Saloum est...
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Maturity stages of Ethmalosa fimbriata sampled within the Saloum River and at...
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Fecundity of Ethmalosa fimbriata sampled within the Saloum River and at the S...
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Data on spawning energetics and otolith microchemistry in female Ethmalosa fi...
In marine fish, stock complexity confers resilience to environmental variability and exploitation. Accurate stock identification is, therefore, a prerequisite to decipher the...