Nutrient enrichment maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) experimen...
Treatment details – temperature × salinity (Sal) & temperature × nutrients (Nut)initial à 4°C, control salinity, after 2 days of wound healing, ½ PEStemperature acclimation... -
Kiel Indoor Benthocosms: applied temperature profiles during Experiment 1 (20...
Treatment: '5°C, constant' (5Co), '7°C, constant' (7Co), '7°C, fluctuating at low frequency' (7LF) and '7°C, fluctuating at high frequency' (7HF) -
Impact of heathland management intensity on spider biodiversity
Here we analysed the impacts of low (mowing) versus a newly developed high intensity (scarification, i.e. mowing with subsequent moss removal) management practice on spider... -
Bulk organic geochemistry (TOC, TN, d13C, d15N) of sediment grain-size fracti...
This dataset presents bulk organic geochemical data (TOC, TN, d13C, d15N) obtained by EA-IRMS analysis on sediment grain-size fractions from 6 rivers in Chilean Patagonia... -
Bulk organic geochemistry (TOC, TN, d13C, d15N) of suspended river sediments ...
This dataset presents bulk organic geochemical data (TOC, TN, d13C, d15N) obtained by EA-IRMS analysis on 16 suspended river sediments from vertical profiles in four of the... -
Bulk organic geochemistry (TOC, TN, d13C, d15N) of 3 vertical profiles from H...
This dataset presents bulk organic geochemical data (TOC, TN, d13C, d15N) obtained by EA-IRMS analysis on 108 samples from 3 vertical profiles from Holocene volcanic ash soils... -
Bulk organic geochemistry (TOC, TN, d13C, d15N) of 61 surface soil samples fr...
This dataset presents bulk organic geochemical data (TOC, TN, d13C, d15N) obtained by EA-IRMS analysis on 61 surface soil samples from Chilean Patagonia (44-48⁰S). The samples... -
Effect of temperature on aerobic microbial respiration associated with decayi...
The effect of varying temperature on the kinetics of aerobic microbial respiration (a proxy for oxidative carbon mineralization) associated with copepod carcasses was studied in... -
Benthic Chamber Lander stable isotope tracer experiments in the Cabo Verde Ab...
A total of five deployments of a Benthic Chamber Lander were conducted at the Cabo Verde Abyssal Plain (tropical East Atlantic) at about 4200 m water depth. The deployments took... -
Effects of acidification and nitrate eutrophication on the widespread soft co...
Coral reefs may experience lower pH values as a result of ocean acidification, which has negative consequences for many reef organisms and may be exacerbated by other factors... -
Lab experiment on the effects of temperature on kelp respiration rates
Kelps act as ecosystem engineers and foundation species on many polar rocky shore coastlines. The main driver for their vertical and latitudinal distribution is the underwater... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and respiration and growth rates of F0 and F1 la...
European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a large, economically important fish species with a long generation time whose long-term resilience to ocean acidification (OA) and... -
Summer heatwave impacts on the European kelp Saccharina latissima across its ...
Temperature is a major factor for the global biogeographic pattern of marine benthic algal species and their loss has serious consequences for ecosystems. Local adaptation and... -
Impacts of combined temperature and salinity stress on the endemic Arctic bro...
Macroalgae such as kelp are important ecosystem engineers in the Polar Regions and potentially affected by freshening and ocean warming. The endemic Arctic kelp Laminaria... -
Amounts of CH4, CO2 and O2 measured in the control and treated microcosms for...
These data were collected from different treatments. Once we added the larvae and Bti, we gas-tight sealed all microcosms, and the experiment started. We vigorously shook the... -
Emission rates of CH4 and CO2 and O2 consumption rates during the experimen...
These data were collected from different treatments. Once we added the larvae and Bti, we gas-tight sealed all microcosms, and the experiment started. We vigorously shook the... -
Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy of soil samples from Lora del Rio, Andalusia...
This dataset has no description
Kiel fjord salinity at different depths during POLARFUCHS cruises from 2005 t...
Salinity in Kiel Fjord was recorded on mostly-weekly cruises of the research vessel FK Polarfuchs from 2005 to 2018 using a CTD48M probe (Sea and Sun technologies, Trappenkamp,... -
Water temperature, salinity and oxygen data from 2005-2019 in front of GEOMAR...
2005-2019 CTD (48M, Sea & Sun Technology GmbH, Trappenkamp, Germany) measurements and water samples at the surface (0 m depth), at 7 m and 18 m depth were taken biweekly... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and resource allocation and extracellular acid-b...
Anthropogenic CO2 emission will lead to an increase in seawater pCO2 of up to 80-100 Pa (800-1000 µatm) within this century and to an acidification of the oceans. Green sea...