muSR study of a quantum spin liquid candidate
The frustration of triangular antiferromagnets with isotropic interactions leads to a variety of ground states even for classical spins. In regions where several classical... -
Antioxidants are very important molecules because they can prevent or slow down the oxidative damage to our bodies. When our bodies use oxygen, free radicals are released which... -
Using QLCR to Study Stopping Sites in Molecular Solids
Muon nuclear quadrupolar level crossing resonance is not a well-known technique, however it is extremely powerful. There is a large interest in probing the muon stopping site... -
muSR study of spin dynamics in quantum spin liquid systems Sr3CuM2O9 (M = Sb,...
Spin liquids are phases of matter where, in spite of strong near neighbour magnetic interactions, long range magnetic ordering is prevented due to conflicting interactions.... -
How complex is complex: an ALC study of a 10-mer helical peptide chain
There have been ALC studies on the interaction of muons with native proteins, but little systematic work that contributes understanding of how spectroscopic information alters... -
How complex is complex: an ALC study of a 10-mer helical peptide chain
There have been ALC studies on the interaction of muons with native proteins, but little systematic work that contributes understanding of how spectroscopic information alters... -
Muon spin relaxation study of Halden like spin chains in Layered Li3Cu2SbO6
A large variety of exotic magnetic structure and relevant magnetic properties is observed in honeycomb layered oxides. Recently Koo et al. have observed two magnetic... -
Characterizing Mu in 6H-SiC with RF-MuSR
We propose a set of RF measurements on Silicon Carbide (polytype 6H) to identify and characterize the muonium species present below room temperature. One of the main goals of... -
Investigation of spin dynamics across quantum critical point in Co substitute...
Investigation of correlated behaviour in Ce based intermetallics has continued to fascinate researchers. These compounds exhibit novel ground states depending on the strength of...