Magnetic susceptibility record from the Faroe-Shetland Channel (40-32 ka b2k)
Here we present a low field magnetic susceptibility record from marine sediment core MD99-2284, for the age model of Core MD99-2304... -
Updated biomarker results from the central Norwegian Sea (MD95-2010) 32-41 ka
This updated biomarker record is related to the work of Sadatzki et al. (2020). Four sediment samples (799, 801, 804, 807.5 cm) from core MD95-2010 which was retrieved from the... -
Magnetic susceptibility of the eastern Fram Strait between 40 and 36.5 ka b2k
Here we present a magnetic susceptibility dataset from marine sediment core MD99-2304, for its age model. Core MD99-2304 was retrieved from the eastern Fram Strait (77°37'15.6N,... -
Long chain alkyl diol, GDGT, and XRF data from Amazon River suspended sedimen...
The relative abundance of the C32 1,15 long-chain alkyl diol (LCD) is an emerging proxy for the input of riverine aquatic particulate organic carbon (POC) into coastal oceans.... -
Percentages of pollen data from late MIS 6 to MIS 1 from Füramoos, Southern G...
High-resolution palynological data (taxa and groups) from the Füramoos peat bog. The data span from the latest Rissian glaciation (MIS 6) to the present (MIS 1) at an average... -
Dansgaard-Oeschger Events on Isotope Plots of Siberian Ice Wedges
Hydrogen and oxygen isotope records with a resolution of 100-200 years were obtained from ice-wedge ice at four locations in Siberia, Micro-organic inclusions and pollen... -
Supporting Data for: Variations in deep-sea methane seepage linked to millenn...
This dataset contains oxygen and carbon stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C) data, percentage of planktic and benthic foraminiferal species, and bottom water temperatures calculated... -
Thresholds identified in the recurrence plot of NGRIP δ18O record and their c...
Thresholds identified in the recurrence plot of NGRIP δ18O record and their correspondence in the marine isotope stratigraphy of the last climate cycle stratigraphy (Bassinot et... -
Comparison of the main steps detected by Hodell and Channell (2016) from U130...
Comparison of the main steps detected by Hodell and Channell (2016) from U1308 marine record with those deduced from the Recurrence Plot of the benthic δ18O and bulk carbonate... -
Statistics of the recurrence rate analysis for U1308 benthic δ18O, U1308 bulk...
Statistics of the recurrence rate analysis for U1308 benthic δ18O, U1308 bulk carbonate δ18O (Hodell and Channell, 2016) and NGRIP δ18O (Rasmussen et al., 2014). The RR... -
Detection of abrupt climate changes over the past 3.2 Myr
The past 3.2 Myr have seen drastic climate changes with the development, waxing and waning of huge continental ice sheets over the Northern Hemisphere. These striking phenomena... -
Loss on ignition data from late MIS 6 to MIS 1 from Füramoos, Southern Germany
Loss on ignition data (LOI) from the lake/peat bog at Füramoos Germany. The data span from the latest Rissian glaciation (MIS 6) to the present (MIS 1) at an average temporal... -
XRF core scanning data spanning the late MIS 6 to MIS 1 from Füramoos, Southe...
High-resolution XRF core scanning data (K/Al and Si/Ti) spanning the late MIS 6 to MIS 1 from Füramoos in Southern Germany at an average temporal resolution of ~45 years. Si/Ti...