Abundance of mesozooplankton in the Mediterranean Sea during PELMED 1995 and ...
The PELMED-ECOPEL dataset contains mesozooplankton data collected in 1995-1996 in the Gulf of Lion (North Western Mediterranean Sea) between 43°35' N, 2°50' E and 42°15' N,... -
Monthly data of microzooplankton abundance for a shelf station off A Coruña (...
Abundance of microzooplankton (<200µm) in monthly samples collected between March 1990 and December 2015 at Station E2CO (A Coruña, NW Spain). Sampling made by vertical... -
Monthly data of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass for a shelf station off...
Abundance and biomass of mesozooplankton (>200µm) in monthly samples collected in a shelf station off A Coruña (NW Spain) between 1990 and 2018. Zooplankton sampled... -
(Figure 6) Abundance of all organisms found along four video transects
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Zooplankton abundance at Seine Seamount of mocness net station POS309_14
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Trophic ecology of squids in the Benguela Upwelling System assessed through s...
Squids were collected during the research cruise SO285 on RV Sonne in the northern (nBUS) and southern (sBUS) Benguela Upwelling System between September 13 and October 9, 2021... -
Mesozooplankton abundance and biomass during Alkor cruise AL544 (WP2 net)
A key goal of the AL544 cruise in September 2020 in the Baltic Sea was to enhance our understanding of environmental and zooplankton (especially gelatinous) population... -
Abundance of zooplankton at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO) as quanti...
Zooplankton samples were collected during different cruises (2012-2019) using the same Hydrobios Multinet Midi (0.25m^2 net opening, 200µm mesh, five nets) in vertical hauls... -
Abundance of mesozooplankton from the S-IT4 cruise in the Western Mediterrane...
The "SESAME_IT4_ZooAbundance_0-50-100m_SZN" dataset contains data of mesozooplankton species composition and abundance (ind./m**3) from samples collected in the Western... -
Abundance of mesozooplankton from the S-IT3 cruise in the Sicily Channel in M...
The "SESAME_IT3_ZooAbundance_0-50-100m_SZN" dataset contains data of mesozooplankton species composition and abundance (ind. m-3) from samples collected in the Sicily Channel in... -
Abundance of mesozooplankton in the North Balearic Sea in April 2003
Mouth diameter of the net was 113 cm, mesh size 200 µm. Each sample was split in two aliquots; an aliquot (ranging from 50 to 100%) was immediately fixed with formaldehyde (2-4%... -
Abundance of mesozooplankton in the Ionian Sea in March-April 2002
Mouth diameter of the net was 113 cm, mesh size 200 µm. Each sample was split in two halves; one half was immediately fixed with formaldehyde (2-4% final concentration) for... -
Abundance of mesozooplankton in the Ionian Sea in April-May 1999
Mouth diameter of the net was 113 cm, mesh size 200 µm. Samples were immediately fixed with formaldehyde (2-4% final concentration) for specimen identification and counts. In... -
Abundance of mesozooplankton in the North Balearic Sea in March 2003
Mouth diameter of the net was 113 cm, mesh size 200 µm. Volumes of filtered seawater were estimated by multiplying the area of the net mouth by heights of sampled layers from... -
Benthic macrofauna abundance and biomass in surface sediment during cruise PLG93
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Zooplankton biovolume from ROV net samples during the MOSAiC expedition (PS12...
Biovolume (mm3 m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated as described in Cornils et al. (2022) from samples of Polarstern cruise PS122 (MOSAiC). Samples were taken with the ROV... -
Zooplankton abundance from ROV net samples during the MOSAiC expedition (PS12...
Abundance (ind. m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated from samples of Polarstern cruise PS122 (MOSAiC). Samples were taken with the ROV net (Katlein et al. 2017, Wollenburg et... -
Zooplankton biovolume from Ring net samples during the MOSAiC expedition (PS1...
Biovolume (mm3 m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated as described in Cornils et al. (2022) from samples of Polarstern cruise PS122 (MOSAiC). Samples were taken with a Ring net... -
Zooplankton abundance from Ring net samples during the MOSAiC expedition (PS1...
Abundance (ind. m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated from samples of Polarstern cruise PS122 (MOSAiC). Samples were taken with a Ring net with an opening area of 0.79 m2 and... -
Occurrences of macrobenthic peracarid crustacean species collected from epibe...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity...