Getuigen Verhalen, Het Molukse perspectief in oorlogstijd, interview 11
Geïnterviewde 11 is op 28 mei 1919 op Ternate (Noord-Molukken, Indonesië) geboren uit een Chinese vader en een Ternataanse moeder. Hij groeit op in Ambon (Midden-Molukken) waar... -
Functional projections in analytic languages
The data were collected in the context of an NWO project (2008-2012) in which Sinitic languages were compared with Kwa-languages. The data are all sentences from languages... -
Preliminary report on application of scanning Small-Angle X-ray scattering in...
Description will follow shortly. The research was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC 2176... -
Multilingual archives along the Silk Roads and how they reflect on the Chines...
This talk was presented at the workshop of the project "Multilingual Archives in Pre-Modern Societies" (MAPS) at the University of Leeds. -
Getuigen Verhalen, Het Molukse perspectief in oorlogstijd, interview 11
Geïnterviewde 11 is op 28 mei 1919 op Ternate (Noord-Molukken, Indonesië) geboren uit een Chinese vader en een Ternataanse moeder. Hij groeit op in Ambon (Midden-Molukken) waar... -
Functional projections in analytic languages
The data were collected in the context of an NWO project (2008-2012) in which Sinitic languages were compared with Kwa-languages. The data are all sentences from languages... -
NRCA set-up optimization
This dataset has no description
Testing of bulk metallic glass samples
This dataset has no description
The correlation of metallography with neutron diffraction for Indo-Persian ar...
Our long-term aim is a detailed study of the manufacture of wootz (the so-called Damascus steel)a high-C% cast steel which was very slowly cooled and very carefully forged so as... -
Neutron diffraction and Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis of a 2nd-1st ...
We propose to perform Neutron Diffraction (ND) and Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis (NRTA) of two 2nd-1st century bimetallic sword fragments from China, in order to... -
Ultrafast motion of molecular rotors in metal-organic frameworks: a muon-spin...
In recent years, amphidynamic crystals have gained more and more attention as a state of matter somehow intermediate between solids and liquids. In fact, although these systems... -
Ethnic wage differences in Malaysia: parametric and semiparametric estimation...
Parametric and semiparametric estimated wage equations, which correct for sample selection bias, are used to assess the returns to eduction and extent of ethnic discrimination... -
Attitudes towards cosmetic surgery among women in China and the Netherlands
Around the world, an increasing number of people, predominantly women, are choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery – despite the associated health risks. This study aimed to...