Inorganic and organic biogeochemical data from seagrass vegetated sediment co...
The dataset includes the porewater, surface water, and sediment geochemical data associated with the publication The unique biogeochemical role of carbonate-associated organic... -
Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of Permian and Carboniferous brachiop...
Depositional Environment (Bruckschen et al., 2001), relative depth from shallow to deeper: 7 isolated shelf sea lagoon; 6 semiisolated sea shallow bank; 5 shallow part of open... -
Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of Permian and Carboniferous brachiop...
This dataset has no description
Physical oceanography, inorganic nutrients, dissolved and particulate organic...
The Cape Verde Frontal Zone (CVFZ) is a highly dynamic region located in the southern boundary of the Canary Current Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystem. Due to the interaction... -
Methane ebullition, sedimentation rates, organic matter quality and environme...
To determine spatiotemporal variability of methane (CH4) ebullition and its drivers, we measured CH4 ebullition rates, sedimentation rates and characteristics of the sedimented... -
Pebble count data for two gravel bars on the Rio Grande above Elephant Butte ...
Wolman pebble counts were conducted on point bars along the Rio Grande channel upstream of Elephant Butte Reservoir in September 2022 to characterize the typical grain sizes of... -
CTD data for Elephant Butte Reservoir near the mouth of the Rio Grande (March...
Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) data was collected within and near the mouth of the Rio Grande in March and May 2022 to measure potential water column stratification.... -
Water depth data for Elephant Butte Reservoir near the mouth of the Rio Grand...
Water depth within the Rio Grande and Elephant Butte Reservoir was determined with a Lowrance Hook Reveal X Series single beam sonar attached to a packraft in March and May... -
Air and water temperature across the Rio Grande Delta upstream of Elephant Bu...
Temperature was measured at 15-minute intervals between March 21 and September 17, 2022. The temperature dataset includes: (1) continuous measurements of air temperature from a... -
Sediment characteristics across the Rio Grande Delta upstream of Elephant But...
Sediment and sediment-water samples were collected within the Rio Grande channel and its delta upstream of Elephant Butte Reservoir during four field campaigns spanning between... -
Grain size distributions (GSD) for samples collected across the Rio Grande De...
Grain size distributions (GSD) were determined in the lab for four sample types: bed material, suspended sediment, reservoir water, and stratigraphic column samples. Sediment... -
Sediment, hydrologic, and temperature data collected from the Rio Grande Delt...
The dataset compiles sediment, hydrologic, and temperature data collected from the Rio Grande Delta upstream of Elephant Butte Reservoir in New Mexico, USA. The data was... -
Size bins for aggregates exposed to varying concentrations of microfibres
Microfibre abundance in aggregates were defined by counting microfibres observed in images of aggregates and then extrapolated per mm of the aggregate imaged. Microfiber... -
Microfibre abundance in aggregates exposed to varying concentrations of micro...
Aggregate size or ECD is measured in mm. The video recordings were used to determine size-specific sinking velocities of the individually formed aggregates based on the method... -
Physical properties of aggregates exposed to varying concentrations of microf...
Size, volume and settling velocity were measured by making a recording of the rotating tanks using a commercial digital single-lens reflex camera (Canon) equipped with a... -
Microfibers analysis on diatom aggregates of skeletonema marinoi in laborator...
Plastics are pervasive in marine ecosystems and ubiquitous in both shallow and deep oceans. Microfibers, amongst other microplastics, accumulate in deep sea sediments at... -
Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of Permian and Carboniferous brachiop...
To evaluate the isotopic record of climate change and carbon sequestration in the Late Paleozoic, we have compiled new and published oxygen and carbon isotopic measurements of... -
Burial and origin of permafrost derived carbon in the nearshore zone of the s...
Detailed organic geochemical and carbon isotopic (d13C and D14C) analyses are performed on permafrost deposits affected by coastal erosion (Herschel Island, Canadian Beaufort... -
Molecular composition of dissolved organic matter and porewater chemistry fro...
Invisible to the naked eye lies a tremendous diversity of organic molecules and organisms that make major contributions to important biogeochemical cycles. However, how the... -
Geochemistry and greenhouse gas production of incubated permafrost and seawat...
The data set includes geochemical and hydrochemical information on individual permafrost and seawater samples from the Yukon Coast in the western Canadian Arctic used for an...