Broken Time Reversal Symmetry in Superconducting (Pr, Ce)Pt4Ge12 alloys
The unconventional filled skutterudite superconductor, PrPt4Ge12(Tc ~ 7.9 K), was recently discovered, for which zero field muon spin relaxation (ZF-MuSR) experiments reveal... -
Unravelling the mechanisms of negative thermal in γ-Mg(11BD4)2
We request 2 days on HRPD to perform a detailed study of the low temperature behaviour of γ-Mg(11BD4)2 in order to measure the change lattice parameter as a function of... -
Raw pollen data from the Eemian core CON01-603-2
The studied core CON01-603-2 was recovered from the Continent site, Northern Basin from a water depth of 386 m (Fig. 1) (see Charlet et al., 2005-this volume). The analysed...