Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - 935 g...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - 746 o...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Norma...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Miljö...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Resul...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Svensk skogsfenologi - Svenskt skogsfenologidataset
As part of the SLU environmental monitoring and assessment program, the Experimental Forests of the university collect detailed phenological measurements and observations on the... -
Längd, ålder och uppskattade tillbakaräknade längder av gäddor (Esox lucis) i...
Data on estimated back-calculated body growth from both harvested and non-harvested populations of northern pike over 50 years along the Baltic Sea coast and in Lake Mälaren,... -
Längd, ålder och uppskattade tillbakaräknade längder av gäddor (Esox lucis) i...
Data on estimated back-calculated body growth from both harvested and non-harvested populations of northern pike over 50 years along the Baltic Sea coast and in Lake Mälaren,... -
PERMTHAW dataset 1, inklusive markbiokemiska, växthusgasflödes- och mikrobiol...
Permafrost soils contain approximately 1672 petagram carbon (C), twice the amount of the current atmosphere, and constitute 50% of the world’s belowground C pool. Along with the... -
Data från ett plottexperiment i Lönnstorp, Sverige, som blandar raps (OSR) me...
Data was generated from a plot experiment in Lönnstorp, Sweden intercropping oilseed rape (OSR) with various legumes to assess pests, pathogens and weeds 2019-2020. For more... -
Fem år av vegetationssuccession efter brand i produktionsskogar av tall med o...
To study plant community succession after fire and how it is influenced by time since previous (pre-fire) disturbance, vegetation data were collected in 2019, 5 years after a... -
Diametertillväxt hos träd i miombo och acaciaskog i ett eroderat landskap i n...
Diameter growth of 15 tree species in miombo and acacia woodland was monitored. All in all 239 individuals with a diameter >3 cm were measured intermittently from 1991 to... -
Algblomningar Sverige - 2021
Dataset containing images of algal blooms in the Baltic Sea. The data is provided with a metadata description containing time spotted, comments, municipality, county and... -
Algblomningar Sverige - 2022
Dataset containing images of algal blooms in the Baltic Sea. The data is provided with a metadata description containing time spotted, comments, municipality, county and... -
Data från: Kalla vintrar driver konsekventa och rumsligt synkrona 8-åriga pop...
The data contain information on the number of cabbage stem flea beetle (Psylliodes chrysocephala) larva in winter oilseed rape plants in southern Sweden 1968-2018. A monitoring... -
Data om hur regionalt klimat påverkar habitatföreningar och termiska summor s...
The data was collected for the publication "Regional climate affects habitat associations and thermal sums required for development of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle, Ips... -
Naturligt radioaktiva ämnen och cesium i abborre (Perca fluviatilis)
Activity concentration of natural radioactivity (238U, 234U, 226Ra, 210Po) and 137Cs in organs and tissue of wild European perch from lake Fiolen and lake Fysingen. The activity... -
Dataset: Kontamineringsrisker vid sediment-baserat återupplivande av växtplan...
The data contains sediment core measurements from two locations in the Baltic Sea. The aim of the study was to determine if the age of phytoplankton resting stages could be... -
Originaldata fälttester av aggreggationsferomon för långhorningsskalbaggar Ar...
Original data for Molander et al: p-Mentha-1,3-dien-9-ol: A novel aggregation-sex pheromone for monitoring longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) in Eurasia and North America Longhorn... -
Naturens kalender - fenologiska observationer av medborgarforskare: Växtkalen...
Nature's Calendar (www.naturenskalender.se, in Swedish only) is run by the Swedish National Phenology Network, a consortium of Swedish universities, governmental agencies and...