Replication Data for: Accessing Chemo- and Regioselective Benzylic and Aromat...
Data associated with the supplementary material (graphs, tables, figures, ...) of the article published in the journal 'ACS Catalysis', 2021, 11 (12). The data correspond to... -
Replication data for "Towards a resource friendly circular cotton processing:...
In the current dataset is presented the characterization of wastewaters from cotton textile industry, as well as the characterization of the carbohydrate oxidases,... -
Data for: 'EnzymeML-based modeling workflow: from raw data to kinetic paramet...
Kinetic parameter estimates for small laccase (SLAC) catalyzed oxidation of ABTS, investigated across the temperature range between 25 °C and 45°C. This dataset contains the... -
From raw data to kinetic parameters: an EnzymeML-based workflow for reproduci...
Master thesis in the form of a JupyterBook with the title: "From raw data to kinetic parameters: an EnzymeML-based workflow for reproducible enzyme kinetics" JupyterBook can be... -
Carboligation of Pyruvate catalysed by HcAHAS C Unit
The data was measured in the course of a Bachelor thesis and filled into the EnzymeML Spreadsheet. Measured was the absorption for the reaction from pyruvate to acetolactate.... -
Propioin Synthesis using Benzoin Aldolase
Investigated was the ligation of two molecules propanal in organic conditions, catalysed by the benzoin aldolase, which was added in the form of lyophillised whole cells. The... -
EnzymeML Metadata Block Configuration for Dataverse
This dataset contains a TSV-File for the configuration of a metadata block for data repositories basing on Dataverse. The block helps to describe datasets with the concepts of... -
Data for: 'EnzymeML-based modeling workflow: from raw data to kinetic paramet...
Kinetic parameter estimates for small laccase (SLAC) catalyzed oxidation of ABTS, investigated across the temperature range between 25 °C and 45°C. This dataset contains the... -
From raw data to kinetic parameters: an EnzymeML-based workflow for reproduci...
Master thesis in the form of a JupyterBook with the title: "From raw data to kinetic parameters: an EnzymeML-based workflow for reproducible enzyme kinetics" JupyterBook can be... -
Carboligation of Pyruvate catalysed by HcAHAS C Unit
The data was measured in the course of a Bachelor thesis and filled into the EnzymeML Spreadsheet. Measured was the absorption for the reaction from pyruvate to acetolactate.... -
Propioin Synthesis using Benzoin Aldolase
Investigated was the ligation of two molecules propanal in organic conditions, catalysed by the benzoin aldolase, which was added in the form of lyophillised whole cells. The... -
EnzymeML Metadata Block Configuration for Dataverse
This dataset contains a TSV-File for the configuration of a metadata block for data repositories basing on Dataverse. The block helps to describe datasets with the concepts of...