Magnetostratigraphic tie-points from DSDP Site 29-278
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Mean sortable silt data from DSDP Site 29-278
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Neodymium isotope data of fish debris and detrital sediment samples from DSDP...
Analytical details:(a) All reported 143Nd/144Nd ratios are corrected to a JNdi value of 0.512115 (Tanaka et al., 2000, doi:10.1016/S0009-2541(00)00198-4) using bracketing... -
Age model analysis for DSDP Site 29-278
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Relative abundances of coccolith species in surface sediment samples from Pol...
This dataset includes the relative abundances of coccolith species identified with a scanning electron microscope from surface sediment samples samples with a Multicorer during... -
Pacific Antarctic Cirumpolar Current strength at Site PS75/083
The data contain the ACC strength record at site PS75/083. The absolute ACC strength record was calculated from sortable silt data using a formula from the Scotia Sea by McCave... -
Pacific Antarctic Cirumpolar Current strength at IODP Site PS75/079
The data contain the ACC strength record at site PS75/079. The absolute ACC strength record was calculated from sortable silt data using a formula from the Scotia Sea by McCave... -
Pacific Antarctic Cirumpolar Current strength at Site PS75/076
The data contain the ACC strength record at site PS75/076. The absolute ACC strength record was calculated from sortable silt data using a formula from the Scotia Sea by McCave... -
Pacific Antarctic Cirumpolar Current strength at IODP Site 383-U1540
The data contain the ACC strength record at IODP Site U1540. The absolute ACC strength record was calculated from sortable silt data using a formula from the Scotia Sea by... -
Pacific Antarctic Cirumpolar Current strength at IODP Site 383-U1541
The data contain the ACC strength record at IODP Site U1541. The absolute ACC strength record was calculated from sortable silt data using a formula from the Scotia Sea by... -
Age point analysis of sediment core PS97/085-3 from POLARSTERN cruise PS97 (A...
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Relative paleointensity of sediment core PS97/085-3 from POLARSTERN cruise PS...
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Magnetic susceptibility of sediment core PS97/085-3 from POLARSTERN cruise PS...
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X-ray fluorescence on sediment core PS97/085-3 from POLARSTERN cruise PS97 (A...
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Ice-rafted debris measured by computed scan of sediment core PS97/085-3 from ...
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High-resolution grain size properties of sediment core PS97/085-3 from POLARS...
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Ca, Fe, Ti, K measurement and Zr/Rb ratios of sediment core PS97/093-2
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High resolution sortable silt records of sediment core PS97/093-2
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Sortable silt records of sediment core PS97/093-2
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Characteristics of the thaliacean Salpa thompsoni population in the Atlantic ...
The pelagic tunicate Salpa thompsoni accounts for a large portion of the zooplankton in the Southern Ocean. This dataset contains information on S. thompsoni distribution,...