Barometer measurements collected during the MARUM Waveglider Adelante mission
During the Adelante Mission, Air pressure data near the ocean surface have been collected by utilizing an autonomous surface vehicle, the Wave Glider® SV3 of Liquid Robotics... -
Turbidity and chlorophyll measurements collected during the MARUM Waveglider ...
During the Adelante Mission, Turbidity and Chlorophyll data near the ocean surface have been collected by utilizing an autonomous surface vehicle, the Wave Glider® SV3 of Liquid... -
CTD measurements collected during the MARUM Waveglider Adelante mission
During the Adelante Mission, CTD data near the ocean surface have been collected by utilizing an autonomous surface vehicle, the Wave Glider® SV3 of Liquid Robotics operated by... -
CTD measurements collected during the first MARUM Waveglider, OpenDAM demo mi...
CTD data near the ocean surface have been collected by utilizing an autonomous surface vehicle, the Wave Glider® SV3 of Liquid Robotics operated by MARUM. The real-time data... -
Barometer measurements collected during the first MARUM Waveglider, OpenDAM d...
Air pressure data at the ocean surface have been collected by utilizing an autonomous surface vehicle, the Wave Glider® SV3 of Liquid Robotics operated by MARUM. The Vaisala PTB...